Chapter Thirty-Three

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Veronica was the last one to join the group in the hot tub. She wore some kind of white flowly robe thing over her swimsuit. Caia found this a little over the top.

She was nestled in Reggie's arm as they sat in one corner of the hot tub.

"I don't know about you guys," but I'm feeling better already," Veronica exclaimed once she was fully in the hot tub.

Caia nodded. "It is really nice in here, V," she complimented.

"Okay," Veronica began, setting her drink behind her. "So. Full disclosure time. When Archie told me about the kiss, I absorbed it, processed it, and in the end, I bear no ill will toward my beau nor my bestie." Caia scratched her arm awkwardly. "But, has the thought of it haunted me these last few weeks? A tiny bit, Yeah." She shared a look with Archie. "And now, clearly, Betty and Jughead, you guys are caught up in the aftermath. So, to clear the air amongst us, Jughead and I," She paused to sip on her drink. "Should kiss."

Caia recoiled. She shared a shocked and confused look with Reggie. That was really, really weird.

"Well, this went weird fast," Reggie commented only loud enough for Caia to hear.

"What?" Archie exclaimed, clearly as confused as Caia and Reggie. "Veronica, are you nuts?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I don't mean to get involved, but from an outside perspective this is hella weird," Caia added.

Jughead leaned forward and stood up. "Well, wait a minute, I don't know, hold on," he refuted. "Veronica and I, kissing? Might help to, Uh, what's the, what's the sports term, Archie?" He paused, still thinking. "Level the playing field," he chuckled.

"Betty, a little help here," Archie pleaded.

"You're not upset though, Jug?" Betty questioned at him.

Jughead shook his head. "No, no, really, I'm not upset."

Betty didn't believe it. "Right," she stated, unconvinced.

"But I'm human," Jughead began. "What if future me tried to use your kiss with Archie against some future you?" Jughead questioned rhetorically.

Reggie scrunched his face. "It sounds like he just wants to kiss Veronica," he commented to Caia.

Jughead swiveled around to face them. "I heard that, Reggie. And yes, though it may seem that way, what would you do if I kissed Caia?"

Reggie raised his eyebrows. "Uh, I'd kick your teeth in," Reggie replies truthfully.

Jughead sighed and turned back around. "Disregarding him, a Vughead kiss, right now in the present, might be precisely what it takes to save a future Bughead from imploding."

The group thought over this. "Archie, come on," Jughead pleaded. "It's just a stupid kiss." He paused. "Right?" Caia could tell he was using this to guilt Archie in to letting him do this. It all seemed really weird to Caia and she wasn't a fan of this.

Veronica stood up out of the water and made her way over to Jughead. "Jughead," She began, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Don't freak out. Just trust me."

Veronica pulled Jughead to her and connected their lips. She saw Betty and Archie share concerned looks. Archie laid back in the water, obviously not happy with what had happened. Betty sipped on her margarita and tried not to watch. Caia and Reggie awkwardly looked away.

The kiss went on for longer than a Caia expected and when the two finally broke apart, Caia felt the air grow even more awkward then before.

That was a weird way to solve a problem.

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