Chapter Fourty-Five

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When Caia saw the dark circle poster on her locker the next day, she thought for sure she was getting a migraine. She knew from what Reggie has been texting her that he was behind the blatant advertising. And clearly he had never heard the phrase 'less is more.'

Caia rested her head on the locker and then turned around, leaning against the metal. She sighed. She was just so tried of all of this. She wished she could have a boyfriend that agreed with her friends.

But of course, that was wishful thinking.

Standing in the same spot a day later, she felt herself being dragged down the hallway by Toni, who was on a mission.

Once they reached Jughead a few lockers down, Toni pulled out her phone. "Did you guys see this?" She asked. "Fangs was dating Midge and forgot to tell Sheriff Keller."

Caia glanced at the screen, a video of Fangs and Midge on opening night filling her vision. Her eyes widened and she shared a look with Jughead.

"Where'd you get this video?" Jughead demanded.

"It was posted on the register's website," Toni explained. "Somebody leaked it. It makes Fangs look guilty as sin."

The crackling of the intercom interrupted the conversation. "Attention students," Weatherbee's voice boomed. "I need Fangs Fogharty to come to my office immediately."

The trio began to race down the hall. "Where is he?" Jughead questioned, referring to Fangs.

"I don't know," Caia replied.

Jughead raced ahead of the two girls. "Well, we have to find him before the dark circle does," he stated.

As he said that, Jughead ran into he boy in question. "What the hell?" Fangs exclaimed, scared to the bone. "That video is everywhere. How did it get out?"

"We have to get you out of here, all right?" Jughead reminded.

At this moment, the dark circle came charging down the stairs, led by none other than Reggie Mantle himself. "You're dead, Vixen Killer!" He threatened loudly.

Jughead pushed Fangs back and the group began speeding away from the jocks. That was, until another voice stopped their progress.

"Mr. Fogharty," Sheriff Minetta called, flanked by two other officers. "We need you to come with us."

"I didn't do anything," Fangs articulated slowly, turning to escape the other way only to be met face to face with Reggie. He swiveled the other way and tried to make a break for it, but was apprehended by the officers before he could make it far.

He struggled as they shoved him against the wall. In the movement, his blade escaped his pocket and clattered the floor. Seeing the shiny metal, the sheriff grabbed the boy off the wall, shoving him to the floor and handcuffing him.

They took Fangs out, the Serpents following. Caia began to go, but her arm was grabbed and she was harshly pulled back by Reggie. She ripped her arm away from him, and backed away. He had never touched her like that before, and it scared her. It reminded her of her dad.

Eyes widening, she backed away from the boy. Reggie, realizing what he had done, began apologizing as he called after Caia. However, the words went unnoticed as she booked it the opposite way down the hallway.


Reggie had taken it too far. He and his dark circle buddies had trashed the Southside, setting a dumpster on fire and slashing motorcycle tires. However, where he had messed up was letting his friends go freely.

In doing this, he allowed a rock to fly though the air and crash through Caia's window. On the rock was a circle drawn with a black marker, giving Caia a exact idea of who had just broken her window.

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