Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Caia looked around the room at all the people waiting to see the debate. She turned her eyes to her right and first saw Reggie, who she was running with. Then she eyed the two other pairs of candidates; Archie and Veronica and Betty and Jughead. She wondered if she should be doing this.

It was too late to change her mind, however, as Alice Cooper began to talk. "Okay, now just a quick reminder, that this school hall is a PTA sponsored event. Oh, looks like we have our first question." She pointed into the audience.

Caia saw that it was Sweet Pea who had asked. "Yeah. No offense to the current administration," he held a pamphlet in the air. "But it doesn't feel like anyone is looking out for the students who are being bussed in from the Southside. Is that gonna change?"

Jughead, not surprisingly, was the first one to answer. "Absolutely, Sweet Pea," he answered. "That's our priority. And no one should feel marginalized or excluded here."

"Jughead and I will be representing all students, North and South Side alike." Betty finished.

That's what Caia wanted. Thats what she agreed with. She brought the mic up to her mouth to agree, but a hand on her leg from Reggie told her not to. She shot him a look and he shook his head discreetly.

"Next question," Alice continued. "Yes, Midge."

"My question is for Archie and Veronica." Midge stated, standing up. "Rumor has it that your parents will soon be on opposite sides of the mayoral election. Won't that negatively affect your working relationship?" She asked.

"Archie and I adhere to the old maxim that politics are never discussed at the dinner or the cafeteria table." There was a chorus of laughter from the audience at Veronica's statement.

"Veronica and I are on the same page about everything," Archie elaborated. "Including her family's plans for a prison on the Southside." There was a mumble of replies in the audience. Caia looked at the floor.

Veronica tried to change the subject. "In the meantime, however, we're committed to improving the quality of life at Riverdale High. With means more extercirculars-"

Caia took this time to cut in with what Reggie wanted, but also adding what she wanted. She didn't care that she was cutting Veronica off. "Reggie and I agree, and this means that we will also be trying to include all students and making sure that everyone is involved, especially the new students. Also adding the fact that we can and will deliver results."

"And we're chill," Reggie added. "Unlike these guys." The audience laughed once again and Caia even caught Alice crack a small smile.

Half an hour later, as they walked off the stage and into the hallway, Reggie attacked. "That was good, but I think we need to get more on the same page about what we want," he suggested. "We need to redirect our attention off the serpents and onto school activities. Such as getting more funding for sports and stuff." He stated.

"Why?" Caia questioned. "Why can't we do both?"

Reggie sighed. "Because, Caia, there's some people here that don't want the Serpents here. If we show support to them, then we'll loose their vote," he explained.

Caia scoffed and shook her head. "And what about the people that do want them here? Or them in general?" She paused. "What about me?"

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