Chapter Fourty

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Kevin started the camera and flipped the view finder around so it was facing the two chairs set up in the middle of the room. Caia was seated in one and watched as Kevin started the video. Behind the camera was Jughead.

"Caia," he began. "Thank you for meeting me before school," he stated, sitting down in the other chair.

Caia sighed. "Look, Kev, I know what you're going to ask," she paused. "And I'm sorry, but I'm just not up for being in the musical."

Kevin raised his eyebrows. "Ah-ha! Gotcha. That is not what I was going to ask," he informed. "I know you're not the type of person to like to flaunt your talent in front of a hundred spectators, but I could still really use your abilities," he paused and smiled. "So that's why I'm asking if you'll be our resident Carrie choreographer and official music director!"

Caia raised her eyebrows skeptically. "You want me to get Archie Andrews to dance so that he doesn't look like an awkward mannequin?"

Kevin chuckled. "Well, essentially, yes." He picked up a script and opened it to the first song. He held it out and Caia took the book, training her eyes on the music. "I'm thinking period, 70s glamour, just like the Sissy Spasek movie," he explained. "And that includes 70s dance moves, if you know what I mean." To elaborate, Kevin did a mini disco point.

Caia smiled at Kevin's rudimentary dancing. "I'm in," she stated. "God knows how this musical would turn out if you were choreographing."


🎶 Everyday I just pray, every move I make is right.

Where I go, who I know, will I be alone on Saturday night? 🎶

Caia glanced up at the entrance to the school before taking a deep breath and pushing open the double doors. Another day, seven more hours of hell. At least now she had the musical to look forward to.

🎶 And I worry, what if I stand out one bit? I worry, what can I possibly do to fit in? 🎶

As Caia shoves her belongings in her locker, she kept hearing the music to the songs from Carrie playing over and over in her head. She had been drilling them ever since Kevin had asked her to choreograph. She wouldn't have even been surprised if she was actually singing out loud.

🎶 Both my folks, total jokes, all they do is chew my ass.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, they should just be glad I make it to class. 🎶

Caia met up with Reggie, who showed her a test with a low grade on the front. She grimaced as she saw it, Reggie crumpling it up and chucking it into the trash can as they passed.

🎶 I don't worry if I blow my SAT's. I worry, what can I possibly do to squeeze in, POW, why not now? When will I belong?

Look where I am, damn, my whole life feels wrong. 🎶

As Reggie and Caia continued through the hallway, they passed the gym where the Vixens were rehearsing. Caia let out a breath, glad she had gotten out of that mess.

🎶 What if I do snap? Holy crap, I'd crawl out of my skin, and so would you.

'Cause life just doesn't begin until you're in. 🎶

Caia parted ways with Reggie at the cross in the hallway. She headed one way, in search of Kevin, as their first rehearsal was that day. Reggie had opted out of the theatrical experience and was instead headed to a different class.

🎶 God it's rough, staying tough. Wondering what the world will say. Make a plan, be a man. All this fricken crap just gets in the way. 🎶

Caia finally met up with Kevin as he reached the threshold of the stairs. She looked up and saw Ethel half a fight up.

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