Chapter Thirty-Five

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Caia wiped off the counter. She grabbed an abandoned milkshake glass and walked it back to the kitchen. Setting it on the counter for her later duty of doing dishes, she hung the rag on the sink and stopped by Pop's grilling station.

"Hey Pop," she called. "There's not many people in here right now so I'm gonna grab a burger and take my break. Alright?"

Pop nodded. "Go right ahead, Caia." He smiled at the girl. "I'm just happy to have you helping out," he thanked.

Caia smiled back. "No problem, Pop."

On her way to the front, she grabbed a burger wrapped in foil and a glass of water. She set it on the counter and pulled up a barstool.

Lately, Caia had been picking up the extra shifts at Pop's that FP couldn't work. She felt bad that Pop had to man the whole diner by himself and was happy to help. Not only that, but the extra income was extremely helpful.

A few minutes after finishing her food, Jughead walked into the diner. He took a place in a booth and Caia ventured over. "Hey Jughead," she greeted, pulling out her ordering pad and pen.

"Hey Caia," he greeted back, seemingly dejected.

Caia furrowed her eyebrows at her friends reaction. "Well, I was gonna ask what you wanted to eat, but obviously something else is bothering you." She returned her ordering supplies. "What's up?"

Jughead sighed. "It's nothing, really."

Caia crosses her arms. "Don't pull that with me," she commanded. "Is this about Hiram?" She speculated.

Jughead sat up, putting his arms on the table. "You got me," he replied.

Caia moves from where she was standing, so that she was know sitting across from him. "I know you're worried about this, Jug," she began. "And frankly I am too. Hiram buying all these properties gives me the heebie jeebies. I know that whatever he's planning, it can't be good," Caia explained. "But," she changed. "I think you need to let up on this. Take a break," she paused. "Get a new piece of mind."

Jughead turned his gaze from the window to Caia. "Yeah, maybe, but Caia did you know that Hiram bought Pop's?"

Caia was shocked. "What?"

Suddenly, Pop Tate appeared at their table. "It seems you've distracted my worker, Jughead," Pop Tate joked. "I assume she hasn't taken your order yet. What'll it be?" He questioned. "The usual?"

"Not today, Pop," Jughead stated. "I actually have a question for you." He paused. "Did Hiram Lodge buy this diner from you?" He questioned.

Pop Tate was silent for a few moments before setting the menu he held down on the table and sliding into the booth next to Caia. He looked sad, and Jughead noticed this. He pulled out his notebook, knowing the information would be important.

"Jughead," Pop began. "The Tates have owned this diner for more than eighty years. When my ma gave me the keys, she made me promise that no matter what I'd always keep this shop in our family." Caia set her hand on the old man's arm in comfort. "Now, I did what I needed to with Mr. Lodge. But, my mother's still with us, god bless. It would kill her to hear I went against her wishes." Caia made eye contact with Jughead, who was contemplating the information. "Please, Jug. Can you keep this to yourself? While I still have my mom." He sighed. "And then you can," he paused. "Tell whoever you want."


Caia was just getting off her shift later that night when Jughead walked into the diner once again. This time, he was not alone. FP Jones walked alongside the boy.

Caia untied her apron and replaced in its spot beneath the counter. "Jughead, FP," she greeted as the duo approached the counter. "I thought you weren't working a shift tonight," she observed to FP.

"I'm not," FP replied.

"Oh," Caia stared. "Are you guys here for supper? I just got off my shift but I can go start something for you if-"

FP held up his hand to cut her off. Caia lowered the hands that had been pointing to the kitchen. "We're not here for supper," FP began.

Caia furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh."

"I met up with the bus driver tonight. He had some interesting information about Hiram Lodge," Jughead explained.

Caia cocked her head. "What would a bus driver have to do with Hiram Lodge?" She questioned.

"He said he used to organize transportation for him," Jughead elaborated.

"Smithers," Caia breathed underneath her breath, a faint memory of the old man who had been there the first time she went to Veronica's home.

"Yeah, he said that he used to supervise trips to Shankshaw," Jughead continued. "Only Hiram was not imprisoned there. So," he paused. "We're going to talk to one of my dad's friends who's there. To see if he knows anything."

"Shankshaw?" Caia repeated. "But my dad is there."


No matter her reservations, Caia found herself standing in the middle of Jughead and FP face to face with War Baby, an old serpent gone prisoner. She was sharing a phone with Jughead in order to hear.

"'Sup Jonsey," War Baby greeted. "You want me to knock some heads in here for you?"

"Nah, War Baby, we need intel," FP refuted. "You hear about anything major going on behind the scenes. Maybe to do with a guy named Hiram?" He inquired. War Baby started nodding even before FP had finished his name. "Hiram Lodge."

"I've heard whisperings," War Baby began. "Lots of whisperings." He paused. "Hiram Lodge has plans for Southside. As you know, he bought that school, closed it down and bought it on the low. Well, he's got plans for that school." Jughead leaned forward. "Hiram Lodge is planning on turning that school land into a prison."

Caia recoiled. A prison?

It took a while for the three to process the information. Why in the world would Hiram Lodge want to build a prison. Caia knew there was some shady stuff planning to go down.

As they left, War Baby stopped Caia. "You Sinclair's kid?" He questioned.

Caia slowly nodded. She wasn't sure what the question was for. War Baby gave one small nod and hung up the phone.

Caia sighed. Her whole world was going to shit.


The next day Caia, along with everyone else in Riverdale, stood in the crowd as the Lodges stood on a platform. Caia knew that this was Hermione's official mayoral announcement. She was mad that this was happening, especially after what she had learned before.

"Thank you all for coming," Veronica began. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, your next mayor of Riverdale, my mother Hermione Lodge."

Veronica stood off to the side and Hermione took her place at the podium. "Thank you, Veronica, and thank you all very much," Hermione began. "Like many of you, I grew up in this town dreaming of a better tomorrow. For myself, for my family and for my friends. And now, for the future that you all so deserve.

Riverdale is one of the most dynamic, resilient communities in all the world." Caia tuned out. She looked over to Jughead, who looked just as unhappy as she did. He looked over at her and they made eye contact for a second before Caia looked back to the speaker. "Riverdale cannot succeed unless all of us succeed. And that will require certain sacrifices." Hermoine paused. "We will also need your support. We will need your trust. We will need your loyalty. This town has endured so much these past few years.

After so much adversity, aren't we all ready for a taste of prosperity?" Hermoine finished her speech and was met with applause. Caia, however, did not applaud.

She realized that Hermoine running for mayor was the first step in the Lodge takeover of Riverdale.

From this moment on, the town as she knew it would never be the same.

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