Chapter Twenty

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That night at the Whyte Wyrm, Caia was not feeling herself. The letter from the Black Hood had shaken her up. Obviously, she had called Sheriff Keller immediately after she read it. He told her that dozens of families had received the exact same letter, but his words did nothing to comfort her.

She was on her third glass of whiskey when Jughead stood up to talk. "I have an announcement to make," he started. "My dad's getting out." A chorus of cheers went up all around the bar. Even though she already knew, Caia clapped along anyway. She didn't want anyone to think anything was wrong.

However, Sweet Pea noticed the lack of smile on her face and her disheartened clapping. He also noticed that her glass was full once again. Nonchalantly, he slid the glass away from Caia and to the other side of him.

"And when he does, I'll bring his up to speed about our plans with Mayor McCoy," Jughead finished.

"That's brilliant," Tallboy exclaimed sarcastically, slamming his glass down on his table.

Jughead rolled his eyes. "Do you have a problem with that, Tallboy?" He questioned.

"Your old man?" He asked, standing up. "No. I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the Mayor," he explained.

"I do," Jughead agreed. "He's right." Jughead paused. "I think we can bring the Southside back. But it's gonna take work. And it's going to take compromise."

Tallboy began to chuckle. Caia narrowed her eyes. She really didn't like that dude. "Bring the Southside back. You've been here all of five minutes," he spat.

"Tallboy, I am sick of you acting like a little bitch!" Jughead exclaimed. "Whispering behind my back, that I'm half a serpent. Or that I don't belong here. Why don't we put it to a vote," Jughead suggested. "If you guys think what I'm doing is wrong, I'll step aside."

Toni looked around and stood as she talked. "All those who stand with Jughead and think that Tallboy should shut the hell up," as she finished, she raised her hand in the air. Caia raised her arm, as did almost all the other serpents.

Once seeing the majority decision, Jughead turned to Tallboy, having a mini staring contest. Tallboy was clearly not happy, but he stalked away out of the bar.


"Sheriff," Archie began as he, Veronica, and Caia walked up to Keller's desk.

"We wanted to talk to you about a cold case," Veronica explained.

Caia continued the explanation. "About a family that was murdered in Fox Forest 40 years ago." Keller gave a confused look. Caia couldn't tell if it was because he didn't know what they were talking about or if he didn't know why they'd be investigating this.

"Your receptionist said that the files on the case were missing," Veronica prompted.

"Is it possible they were stolen? As part of a cover-up?" Archie questioned, jumping to conclusions rather quickly.

Keller shook his head. "Now, now, hold on. Sometimes with cold cases, the lead officer will take the files home, so he can keep working on them," he explained.

Caia cocked her head to the side. "Who would have been the lead officer on this case?" She inquired.

Keller seemed to be thinking. "Back then? Multiple homicide? My guess would be Sheriff Howard."

"Do you know where he is?" Archie followed up the statement with a quick question.

"Sheriff Howard died two years ago, now." Caia shut her eyes in exasperation. That sucked. "But his daughter, still lives in town here, Margaret. Get her contact information. Maybe she can help you."

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