Chapter Fourty-Nine

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Caia popped two pain pills into her mouth and followed it with a swig of alcohol. She knew it probably wasn't the best idea, but she needed something to take the edge off.

Her leg and shoulder were killing her. And she knew that she had at least some responsibility in all the Serpent business, and that was a bit stressful.

Caia jumped at her phone ringing. She pressed accept. "Hello?" She croaked.

"Get to the Wyrm, now!" Jughead commanded. The line went dead, and Caia retracted the phone, confused and disoriented.

Regardless, she made it to the Whyte Wyrm, leaving her crutches at home. She stumbled into the main room as Jughead was speaking.

"Take only what you absolutely need. And what you can carry with you," Jughead commanded. "We need to move quickly and quietly. Sheriff Minetta's forces are all over the Southside and they're looking for blood. We want our schools to remain uncracked, we have to go undetected."

"Go where?" Sweet Pea inquired. "There's no where safe."

Jughead turned his gaze to Archie. "We've been offered asylum on the North Side," he informed.

With that, all the Serpents went into action. Caia helped a young mom and her son pack up their belongings and directed them toward the door. Caia brought up the rear, being the slowest with her leg and not having to go all the way to the North Side.

They had been sneaking quietly, but when they heard the police sirens, the began to bolt out of the streets.

When they got to the bridge connecting the North and the South Side, Jughead paused, looking back to the town he had always known. Archie had to pull him away to get him to continue on.

Once the group was safely in the North Side, Caia headed back home. She had to be careful too, because although her house would not be raided, she still was a Serpent and her blood was still on the line.

She opened the door to her house just as a police car cruised by. She hurried inside, shutting the door quickly. She definitely did not need any extra attention right now.


Archie had one more idea other than letting the Serpents crash at his house. A school wide protest.

Caia now stood in the hallway outside of Weatherbee's office, clad in her Serpent jacket. Hundreds of students stood around her, wearing similar jackets. Reggie stood at Caia's side, wearing her dad's old Serpent jacket.

The Principal looked around wildly, not knowing what to do. "What's the meaning of this?" He demanded.

"It's a show of support, sir," Archie replied. "For the South Siders who are being wrongly transferred out of our school." Weatherbee stayed silent. "Everyone's ready to walk out, Principal Weatherbee."

The man finally responded. "Any student who walks out, better keep walking. Cause they'll be expelled," he threatened.

Caia could think of a couple good comebacks, but she kept her mouth shut and let Archie do the talking. "You're a good man, Mr. Weatherbee," Archie stated. "You're not the type who discriminates. And if you are, then expel me. Because I don't wanna be a part of that."

Weatherbee stayed quiet for a few moments as he stared over the faces in the crowd. "Everyone," he called. "Get to class."

It was a harsh statement, but Caia knew it meant he had relented. It meant that everyone was able to stay and go to class.

That was the first victory, but also maybe the last.


Caia still showed up to vote for Student Council elections even though she was no longer running. She wanted to be able to vote for Archie, who she now knew had everyone's best interest in mind.

She wished she was old enough to vote for Fred too, but alas she was not.

She was now waiting in the student lounge to hear the results. After what seemed like years, Weatherbee's voice finally came over the P.A. system. "Attention Riverdale High students. The results of your student council election are in." Reggie stood up as well as Archie and Veronica. "And your new student body president is," the man paused. "Archie Andrews."

A chorus of cheers echoed through the room. Caia stood up smiling as she clapped. Archie deserved this. Reggie patted Archie on the back and then they did a handshake before the announcement continued. "I'm unrelated news, for the foreseeable future, all former South Side High students will remain at Riverdale High. That is all."

This earned more applause. The clapping might have been even louder than for Archie. Archie, Moose, and some other football players even started to woof.

Caia left with the Serpents in high spirits. Everything was going well for her at that moment in time, for the first time in what felt like forever.

They gathered by the river for some kind of ceremony. Caia was chatting with Cheryl and Toni when FP whistled to get everyone's attention.

Caia turned to the man. "Listen up now!" He yelled. "Listen up!" Everyone quieted. "Some sixty years ago, very first Serpent meeting took place on these same riverbanks. And it makes sense that is where we gather now, where I-" FP faltered. "Where I say my goodbye. Jughead, would you step up here, son?" He asked, motioning to Jughead.

Jughead got up, confused. "Dad, what are you doing?" He questioned his father quietly.

FP put his arm around Jug's shoulders. "What I should've done a long time ago." He turned back to the other Serpents. "I'm retiring from the Serpents. For real this time." Cries of protest tumbled through the crowd. Caia was shocked at this news. "Whoa," FP called, trying to reign in the group. "But my boy- my boy has never stopped fighting for this crew. Hell, he almost died for it. That's why I'm giving you the mantle."

Jughead looked surprised. Caia thought that of all people, he deserved to have control of the Serpents. So did others, as they all clapped and cheered at this announcement.

"Now, as your first official duty as Serpent King." He motioned to Toni, who came forward as she pulled something from her bag. It was a red Serpent jacket. She handed it to FP. "I think you know what to do with this," he stated, holding out the jacket. Jughead faltered and FP nodded at him. "Take it," he urged.

Jughead kind of smiled at his father as he took the jacket from his hands. Everyone cheered at this.

FP left the stage. "Alright, all I can say is," he paused. "I love you dad." He paused again. "And the Serpents will not die out, not on my watch." There was more cheering. Jughead held out his hand to Cheryl, who stripped off her jacket and came up onto the stage.

There, Jughead pulled the red material onto Cheryl's arms, both smiling as he did.

Caia smiled at the two and the as watching them when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned around to face the person.

A woman stood in front of her, in her mid to late thirties. She looked marginally familiar, but Caia couldn't place to as why.

"Are you Caia Sinclair?" The woman asked.

Caia nodded. "Yeah," she replied, giving the woman a once over. "Now who the hell are you?"

The woman smiled. "Oh, I guess you wouldn't recognize me," she observed. "I'm your mom."

This was the first of a few insane revelations that would appear to Caia and the rest of Riverdale in less than 24 hours.

Hermione Lodge would win the mayoral race to Fred Andrews within a small margin of less than 200 votes.

And the next day, during a school wide assembly, Archie Andrews would be arrested for the murder of Cassidy Bullock.

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