Chapter Thirty-Two

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Sweet Pea groaned.

"I told you it was a bad idea to get mixed up with them," he scolded, running his fingers through his hair. "Why did you go back there anyway?"

"He had one of his goons break into my house!" Caia exclaimed. "You think he would have left me alone if I hadn't gone?" She began to twirl a curl around her finger as the conversation continued.

"God, this is a mess," Sweet Pea muttered. "Your dad is still on the loose, and now you have a gang after your neck." He looked away, thinking for a moment before turning back. He grabbed Caia's hand and looked her in the eye. "Promise me you'll be careful. Don't go anywhere alone," he pleaded.

Caia nodded. "Okay, I promise." She paused. "Oh, and they found my dad. Sheriff Keller told me an hour ago. He's at Shankshaw. Hopefully we won't be seeing him for a long time."

Sweet Pea sighed and leaned back, letting Caia's hands go. This was not the ideal situation.

Not at all.


"Fair warning, our shadow lake chalet is rustic, but it has breathtaking views of the mountains, the water," Veronica trailed off as Caia closed her eyes and tried to picture what Veronica would consider 'rustic.'

"Oh my god, that sounds heavenly, V," Betty stated, also imagining the vacation.

Caia smiled, opening her eyes and nodding. "For sure, Roni."

Betty turned to Jughead. "What do you say, Jug? Can you bear it?" She paused as Jughead contemplated.

"As long as it's cool with your dad," Jughead agreed, turning to Veronica.

"Mr. Lodge actually suggested it," Archie explained.

Veronica nodded. "Yeah."

Jughead smiles. "Well then cue the dueling banjos." Betty smiled over at Veronica and Archie.

Caia turned to her own boyfriend. She raised her eyebrows in question, silently asking about the invitation. "What do you say, Reg? Shall we make it a party?"

Reggie smiled. "Hell yeah," he exclaimed.

Caia grinned at her boyfriend before turning to nod at Veronica. She was excited.

Jughead glances around at the group. "This weekend will also give me a good chance to work on my novel," he added.

"Excellent," Veronica praises. "But, remember, the point of this luxury weekend is to relax and unplug."

As if one cue, Cheryl walked into the student lounge. "Luxury and weekend," she called, having caught the tail end of the conversation. "Two of my favorite words. So, where are we going and how extravagant a wardrobe should I pack?" She inquired.

"Sorry Cheryl," Veronica began, looking awkward towards Archie. He put a hand on her knee for support. "It's kind of a romantic, couples only weekend." Veronica tried to break the news as softly as she could, not wanting to hurt the Blossom girl's feelings.

Cheryl tried hard to keep her composure, but it was evident she was upset. "I see," she began. "Of course. My mistake. Well," she paused. "Have fun with your romances."

As Cheryl left the room, Caia couldn't help but feel sorry for the red head. She seemed a bit lonely, and no boy at Riverdale had enough courage to ask her out, for fear of rejection.

Her thoughts were cut off, however, by Reggie wrapping his hand around hers and placing a small kiss on her forehead. She smiled and snuggled into her boyfriend's chest. She couldn't wait for this weekend.

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