Chapter Fourty-Eight

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The first thing that hit Caia's senses when she woke up was the distinctly strong smell of disinfectant. She slowly opened her eyes, wincing at the bright lights of her hospital room.

Her mouth was extremely dry and she was a little disoriented. The last thing she remembered was fainting. Everything after that was a blur, including how long she had been unconscious.

She glanced around the room, her eyes landing on the slumped over, sleeping figure in the corner. It was Reggie, his hair and shirt disheveled.

"Reggie," she cracked, her voice dry and crackly.

Reggie jumped awake, seemingly waiting for Caia to speak at all. "Caia," he called, staring at her for a moment before rushing to her side. "Oh my god, you're awake!"

Reggie took his girlfriend's hand and sat down on the side of her bed. Caia smiled weakly at him. "Hi, Reggie," she paused. "How long have I been out?"

"Almost an entire day," Reggie replied. "I was so worried. And so was everyone else," Reggie explained. "You know they had to put seventeen stitches in your leg?"

Caia glanced down at her leg, only covered by a thin sheet as she had kicked all the other blankets off in heat. "Wow," she mused. "They really beat me up, didn't they?" She turned her gaze back to Reggie.

He nodded. "You and Jones both. I think he's still out too," he informed. "Or at least he was last I checked." Reggie looked toward the window, thinking. He was formulating the words he needed to say. "Caia," he began. "I'm really sorry for how I've been acting these last few days. I know I've been a huge ass about all of this. I guess I was just angry because I felt like the Serpents were taking over my school and stuff," he apologized. "But I went too far last night," he admitted.

"I know, Reggie," Caia stated. "I know."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Caia and Reggie both looked toward it, Reggie standing up off of the bed. "Come in!" Caia called.

The door swung open and in walked FP. He slowly made his way over to the bed. "The doctor told me you might be awake," he began, stopping at the foot of the bed. "I'm here on behalf of me and Jug. He's awake now too."

Caia smiled. "That's good," she stated. "I'm happy he's okay."

FP nodded. "And we're happy you're okay. We just wanted to thank you," FP called. "If you hadn't been there, I'm not sure Jug would still be alive," he admitted.

Caia shook her head at the man. "Don't thank me, FP. I was just doing what needed to be done." She paused. "No Serpent stands alone."

"They fought hard for you both," FP stated, Caia beginning to furrow her eyebrows. They're had been an agreement, right? FP saw this confusion, and stopped her from speaking. "I know, I know. I couldn't stop them. They wanted to fight. And they did, just not hard enough." Caia hung her head in frustration and sadness.

"No," she exclaimed. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this."

"I know," FP replied. "But It did. The Serpents have fallen. But don't be too discouraged. Fangs is alive."

Caia raised her head. "Really?"

FP nodded. "Alive as you and me."


Caia came to a stop and wrapped on the open door. "Hey guys," she greeted. Archie, Betty, and Veronica, who were all gathered around Jughead's bed looked up.

"Caia!" Jughead exclaimed, surprised that the girl was out of bed.

Caia began using her new cane to shuffle over to the group. "You didn't really think you were gonna have a meeting without me, did you?" She questioned.

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