Chapter Thirteen

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Caia was slumped in a chair on the side of the room. Cheryl was sitting on the bed, surrounded by Josie and Veronica. Josie stroked her arm as she recounted her story. Archie and Betty were there too.

"If you hadn't come when you did-" Cheryl stated. She shuddered at the thought.

"Where the hell is he?" Archie demanded protectively.

"You can put your cape away, Archie," Cheryl informed. "The Pussycats and Caia already saved me."

"I feel so sick about this," Veronica mused. Josie wrapped her arms around Cheryl, trying to comfort the girl. "Nick's a monster. And there's no way he hasn't done this before, probably right under my nose."

"It's not your fault, Veronica," Betty informed. Caia was surprised at the girl's words. From the way she had been acting a few nights ago, she assumed the girl hated Veronica with a burning passion.

"I wanna press charges," Cheryl said. "I want Nick to pay. To suffer. To burn in hell."


The next day, Caia found herself being called in for a special meeting at the Cooper household. She had a good idea of why she and all her friends were being called in.

She slipped in the door just before anyone had begun talking. She made her way over to the couch and took a seat next to Reggie. She was fully aware of all the stares she was receiving. She was also aware that she was the only child there who's parent was absent.

Alice Cooper entered the room and stared at the newly arrived girl for a moment more before beginning to speak. "Riverdale's best and brightest, huh?" She questioned rhetorically, settings tray of snacks on the coffee table.

"Alice, thank you for hosting," Mayor McCoy stated from her chair.

"Of course, Mayor McCoy," she replied. "When I heard what happened at Nick's party, I decided that we should come together to deal with this motley crew of liars, dope fiends, and fornecators. Except for my Betty, who was smart enough to leave the party before it descended into a buckanally free for all." It was just like Mrs. Cooper to say bad things about everyone else but make her daughter seem like the holy angle.

"Oh my god, mom, please don't," Betty oleaded, obviously embarassed.

"Here we go," Veronica whispered to Archie. "St. Betty and succuncious Veronica." Betty glanced over, hearing Veronica's snide side comment.

"For clarity, Alice, you're hosting this little get together to what, gloat, is that it?" Fred began.

Caia turned away from the parent's conversations and to Veronica and Archie's as Veronica began to talk.

"You know what, I may have been caught taking Jingle Jangle, but she's the one who had a psychotic break!" She whispered.

Archie came to the defense of his blonde friend. "Cut her some slack, Veronica. She just broke up with Jughead."

Caia gaped. What?

Apparently this had also caught the attention of Kevin, who was sitting next to Josie. "#bughead is no more and Betty didn't tell me?" He exclaimed quietly.

Alive had taken notice of the side conversation taking place between the teens and cleared her throat to get their attention. Everyone silenced.

"Careful throwing stones, there, hazad queen, Alice. I'm not the only one who knows the story behind that mugshot that your daughter published in her paper." Hiram spoke up for first time, his statement shutting Alice up. She shot a look to Betty.

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