Chapter 31

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The battle has started, Blossom was doing everything she could. She was trying to knock out all the opposing demigods and kill all the monsters. She threw her weapon, it went through a line of monsters before coming back to her hand. Soon the battle died out, signaling they were all retreating. She then received a phone call.

" Plaza Hotel," Silena said in tears. " Hurry." Blossom then ran as fast as she could till she reached the hotel. When she got there she saw Annabeth.

" Annabeth!" Blossom gasped.

" I am fine," Annabeth said weakly.

" You are bleeding badly," Blossom stated. " But probably nothing our healers cannot fix."

" Annabeth...." a voice choked up. 

" Poison on the dagger," Annabeth mumbled. " Pretty stupid of me, huh?" Blossom looked at Annabeth and then at Percy. She knew where his Achilles spot was and took a knife for him. Next to Blossom was Will Solace a son of Apollo. He unwrapped her bandages to see the cut was a horrible shade of green.

" It's not so bad, Annabeth. A few more minutes and we would've been in trouble, but the venom hasn't gotten past the shoulder yet. Just lit still. Somebody hand me some nectar." Blossom handed him the nectar as Percy let Annabeth hold his hand. Will sang some hymn to Apollo, he stood up shakily.  " That should do it, but we're going to need mortal supplies. There's a Duane Reade on Fifth. Normally I would never steal-"

" I would," Travis volunteered.

" Leave some cash or drachmas to pay, whatever you've got, but this is an emergency. I've got a feeling we're going to have a lot more people to treat," Will glared at him.

" Relax Will," Blossom assured him. " We will leave a few bucks or so."

" Come on guys," Travis said. " Let's give Annabeth some space. We've got a drugstore to raid...I mean visit." Blossom then left with the group to give Annabeth and Percy some alone time. When they got to the drugstore Blossom placed a hundred-dollar bill on the counter.

" I forget you are extremely rich sometimes," Travis commented." It comes in great handy."

" Grab a bag and fill it up," Blossom instructed. Everyone looked at her.

" You heard Blossom grab a bag and fill it up with supplies," Connor repeated. Everyone did as they were told when. When they had every single element of supplies they made their way back. They got back to see Grover in the living room, eating the furniture. 

" Where's Percy?" Grover asked when he saw them. They then explained to him what happened.

" We can go get him," Connor volunteered, he and Blossom went to the room. They both opened the Terrance door and glanced at Annabeth.

" Percy," Blossom breathed. 

" Mrs. O'Leary just came back with Grover. We think you should talk to him," Connor added. They then all left. Blossom joined her siblings in whipping up buffets from the hotel kitchens. When everyone got some food, Blossom grabbed a plate and sat down with her siblings and some others.

" It's only half-time," Miranda breathed. " We already lost a good amount of people."

" Help is on the way," Blossom assured her.

" How do you know?" Jake asked.

" I just know it," Blossom said. " During the Battle of New York, we felt hopeless, but the Hulk ended showing up. We might not be getting Bruce Banner in this, but help is on the way."

" Spoken like a true alien warrior," Connor commented as he shoved food into his mouth. 

" Thanks," Blossom breathed. Some people then got up to get more food, just leaving the two alone.

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