Chapter 67

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The next day in school in shop class Blossom and Peter were hitting the weapon with hammers. Peter hit till the point the thing glowed a little brigher.

" Hey, thanks for bailing on me," Ned said as he walked up to the two and Blossom took out a broken part.

" Yeah, well, something came up," Blossom informed as Peter gestured to it. She could really need Leo's help right now, but he was busy showing Calypso the world.

" Oh, what is that?" Ned asked.

" I don't know," Peter answered as they continued to take the contraption apart. " Some guy tried to vaporize me with it."

" Seriously?" Ned asked.

" Yeah," Peter breathed.

" Awesome," Ned commented. The other two looked at Ned. " I mean, not awesome. Totally uncool of that guy. So scary."

" Yeah," Peter agreed,

" Well, look, we think it's a power source," Blossom informed as Peter ripped more wires off.

" Yeah, but it's connected to all these microprocessors," Ned reminded her. " That's an inductive charging plate. That's what I use to charge my toothbrush."

" Whoever's making these weapons is obviously combing aliens tech with ours," Blossom informed. 

" That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said," Ned stated. " I want to thank you for letting me be part of your journey into this amazing-" Peter gave a good whack and the core popped out and broke a couple of things, all three of them looked at the teacher. He kept reading his book.

" Keep your fingers clear of the blades, " Mr. Hapgood warned. The three looked back at the core.

" We gotta figure out what this thing is and who makes it," Peter informed.

" We'll go tot he lab after class and run some tests," Ned suggested. 

" Let's do it," Peter agreed. Peter and Ned then did their cool handshake. 

Soon they were walking down the hallway, just the three of them.

" First, we put the glowy thing in the mass spectrometer," Ned suggested.

" First, we gotta come up with a better name than glowy thingy," Peter suggested.

" Good idea," Blossom agreed. Then the two guys from yesterday rounded the corner.

" Crap!" Peter panicked, him and Blossom went and hide behind a wall. " Come on, come on, come on." Ned looked at both sides before joining the other two.

" High schools creep me out," a man with a hat stated. " They got this funny smell, you know what I mean?" The three peered around the corner, Blossom was the lowest, then they went back behind the wall.

" Hey, that's one of the guys that tried to kill me," Peter informed Ned.

" What?" Ned gasped.

" Yeah," Peter confirmed. " We gotta get out of here."

" No," Blossom denied.

" I gotta follow them," Peter added. " They can lead me to the guy that dropped us in the lake."

" Someone dropped you two in a lake?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, it was not good," Blossom stated. They peered around to see the two men going into the shop classroom.

" Peter--" Ned procrastinated when Peter stepped out.

" No, stay there, Ned," Peter insisted. The two sneaked in the shop class Peter signaled her to hide behind the cabinets as Peter got closer.

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