The Royals

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"Hi, i think you already know who i am, and if you don't. I'm Jimin, Park Jimin."

"Damn those sunglasses tho, i want them. Get me those."
Bangchan said as he elbowed my arm.

i sat there dumbfounded, the angel that almost killed and ran over me that could possibly turn me flat into the road was Park Jimin.
Let that sink in for a moment..
excuse me, what the fuck.

"what is it Bang?"
i said in an annoyed tone.
"Get me those sunglasses."
he pointed at Jimin, who was still standing there with his chin up high as the class cheered for him.
"who do i look like? your dad?"
i replied looking at Jimin, God he's flawless.

"Okay, Mr. Park, you can sit behind..  Jeon Jungkook over there, beside Son Seung Wan."


"Bangchan, why are you like this?"

"He's sitting behind us? don't you see? i'm gonna ask for his autograph!"

"Jesus, he's just a kid."

"A kid that's worth my family's entire property all the way to the Joseon dynasty. *GASPS* here he comes, act natural."

i looked at him wincing my eyes, thinking how did i became friends with this person again..

Jimin was right next to Bangchan when he said-
"I like your face!"
god, take him please

"Um, thanks?"
Jimin said uncomfortable and walked behind us to sit next to Wendy.

i looked over my shoulder to see him as he sat down and took out his books, and started opening his notebooks when Wendy started to introduce herself.
"Hi, i'm Son Seung Wan. but people call me Wendy."
she said reaching out her hands, hoping that Jimin will shake her hand.
"Oh, Hi. I'm well,.. you know who i am. Nice to meet you."
He said with a fake smile over his lips and just focused back to his notebook.
Wendy just stayed there and had to shook her own hand then decided to go back to studying with a shocked and humiliated expression on her face.

"He's sorta of a bitch, huh?"
Bangchan said shocking me.
"Yes, Oh my god. stop doing that i thought you were Mrs. Choi"
"Jesus, calm down. i didn't even tried but, okay didn't think i'd scare you.."
He stood up to throw away his empty cup of coffee.
As i feel a finger poking my back, and oh, guess who? it's Jimin. Help.
"h-ho- hey! what's up?"
i stuttered internally killing myself.
"Have we met before? you look so familiar.."
He said nodding his head as he talk and making his eye wider, cutee *uwu*
okay, act cool. Don't say that he almost ran you over this morning. That'll be embarrassing. Say that., your face is  very common, and... that you flee from Mexico!

"No, no i don't think so.. i think we just met now."
i said shaking my head and noticed that Bangchan had returned and looked at me with wide shook eyes and pretended to study but actually, i know this hoe inside and out, he's eavesdropping.

"No silly, i think we met this morning!"
He said as a large smile grew on his face making his eyes slightly missing..
*hit you with that UWU, UWU, UWU*

"Really, i-i don't remember.."

"I almost ran you over with my Limo."

Wendy was staring, Bangchan's head slightly turning..

"And you apologised and bowed in front of my car."

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