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Singapura| 新加坡|சிங்கப்பூர்|Singapore

Tanah kilap emas di antara laut
Siapa mahu lirik dia pun nak laju
Tanah suci kerap menyanyi lanjut
Negeri singa dimimpi haruslah dituju.


(pardon my Mandarin, I'm still learning it.)

English translation of the malay one,

Land shone like gold in the seas
Who wanted to seek, those who'll go
Holy land keeps on singing it's tunes
Your dream, land of lions thy must chase.

*bzzt bzzt*
*bzzt bzzt*

i said smacking my dry lips to whoever the person is on the other line, not being rude just woke up.

"tell your parents Namjoon is coming."


"who else, hoe."

"Oh my God, really? Thank you so much, i can't believe I'm actually going to Singapore!"

"don't forget that brother of yours is also tagging along.. hope he doesn't spoil the fun."

"No he would, i swear he'll always gonna be at least 5 meters away from us at all times."

"That's on you Jungkook."

"No, i promise he won't spoil the fun i swear-"

"If you say so, see you at school.."


i screamed the air out of my lungs feeling happy as i could ever be.
Going to Singapore? boy I'm ready.
Well, waiting for the next 2 weeks.

well, 2 weeks...


"I can't believe it's happening.."

i looked down at my luggage next to my bed, 60% of them were bought by them, in fact the clothes i'm wearing now.. bought by them.
It's about 8'am now, and they are picking me up at 10'am.
The flight is on.. I don't know..
but they know!

"Jungkook! are you ready?"
Namjoon knocked my door.

"Yeah, I'm done!"
i walked out to find Namjoon all dressed up in.. a flower button on shirt with khaki shorts and.. flamingo sunglasses..

he's definitely getting the economy.

"When are they picking us up?"
"They'll be here at 10!"
I said then dragging my luggage down the stairs. He then took his' and put it on the couch downstairs.

CRAZY RICH ASIANS (bangtan!) jikookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora