A trip back home

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"Namjoon-hyung, are you ready?"
Jungkook knocked on the bathroom door.
"Hold on, i'm shitting."
He the grunted.
Jungkook took a deep breath and threw himself on the bed.
"Hurry up! the plane's leaving in one hour!"
He yelled.
Plane? yes. Jimin had ordered him a plane ticket back to Korea after yesterday. His butler came to deliver it last night at three am.
Jungkook fucked up, he knew he did. He felt like he shouldn't have done it in the first place if the reasons weren't obvious. Jimin probably hates him now, he saw how he had broken Jimin. It was a displayed on his eyes, how the glimmer in his eyes faded when he confessed. Missing and regrets are just a hopeless aftermath, what else can he do? Apologise again? He wouldn't risk it. And if he were to apologise, Yoongi and Taehyung probably already had a knife behind their backs to stab Jungkook when he's there.

He would just bang his head against the wall but he'll probably just end up breaking the wall rather than his head.
"I'm so stupid."
He murmured.
He slapped his own face.

"-if you're still upset about last night, you're too late. Now if you mind, can you get me another toilet roll from the drawer?"
Namjoon said from the toilet.
"Go wipe your ass on the towel Namjoon, and hide it under the sink. We're leaving anyways."
He turned to the window. it was pretty gloomy for a Singaporean 11'o clock.
Is it always raining here?

"Let's go crackhead."
Namjoon woke him up.
"I'm done shitting."
"Did you wipe in on the towels?"
He smiled softly.
"Thank you."

"Now let's go."

It rained when they got in the cab.

"Where you going? the airport?"
The driver asked.

The ride was slow because of the traffic,
Singapore, the usual. if you're not stuck in traffic, you're drenched in rain water. Sometimes it's both.

The flyover peering into the bay below, the surface of the ocean 'dusty' as water from the skies rain below in the rather chilly afternoon.
Jungkook had thought about last night endlessly.
Dreaming of another output. Maybe in a parallel universe Jimin doesn't hate him? Or maybe in a parallel universe where he didn't fucked up. Honestly, he just wanna quit this universe he's in right now.

He then thought of the boy, Jimin.
That hell if a ride kid,
Jungkook never expected Jimin to be such a deep puzzle. How his life is full of cliffs and hills, turns and falls.
And how Jungkook had become one of those falls in upbeat in Jimin's heart.
Jimin was a scenery of a boy.
A good stage play.
Jungkook had never been more impressed and interested in a boy before. And not to mention he was Jungkook's first kiss.

Jungkook never thought twice about someone, especially someone he left.
But Jimin, he was something else.
he left Jungkook hanging.
he left the book they wrote undone.

Or was it actually finished but Jungkook just doesn't want to admit that it is because he wasn't the good one in the ending.

He regretted it, every second of it.
The feeling gnawing on him like a parasite slowly killing him from the inside.

Sorry wasn't good enough.
He wasn't good enough.

"Welcome to Singapore airlines."
A pretty woman in a batik uniform greeted the siblings on their way in.
"Now the part that messed up the most is clearly.."
Namjoon trailed off as they sat down in their seats, next to each other.
"Is that he only bought us economy class tickets."
He complained.
"Hyung stop it okay? I messed up, we earned this.."
Jungkook snapped as he looked away towards the window.
"Well it's your fault. I get to taste Jimin's vengeance too? I'm the innocent one here!"
Namjoon keeps on talking.
"Well at least i have this sweet, sweet hand bag.."
He pulled out his newly bought handbag and stars to pet it with affection.
"It only you didn't have to be such a pussy to say no to your friend's requests we would still be in a hotel room kook."
Namjoon dissed again.
"Says the guy with a handbag that matches his shoes and belt."
Jungkook side eyed him.
"It's not a bad thing!"
Namjoon exploded.
"Whatever just, just be quiet. I'm sleeping."
Jungkook turned to the other side as he began to think about a particular blonde.

"Now you're sleeping? You can't just sleep away your troubles you know?"
Namjoon looked over him and pointing his fingers vigorously at Jungkook.
"Can you be quiet please?"
The lady next to them spoke up.
"Oh I'm sorry!"
Namjoon sat back on his seat in a sarcastic manner, still pissed at Jungkook.

Namjoon wasn't actually being helpful here, is he?
Jungkook thought to himself.
honestly, since when was he helpful.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, before we lift off we will.."
Was the last thing Jungkook heard before cupping his mouth to stop the sobs from coming.


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