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"Good evening passengers, we are arriving in Macau in 18 minutes

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"Good evening passengers, we are arriving in Macau in 18 minutes. We advise you to go back to your seats and secure your seatbelt, thank you for traveling with Singapore airlines and we hope to see you all very soon."


Jimin sighs as he turned of the screen and woke up Rosé in the cabin next to him. He scrunched up the papers on the desk and threw it at her.

"Wake up!"
He threw another one.
He got frustrated and threw a pillow at her.
"Wake up you cow!"
Then she woke up as the pillow smacked her face.

"Oh my god, what is it?! jesus.. can't even sleep can i?"
She grunted and fasten her seatbelt.

Jimin nodded at her then went back inside his own cabin. Right now he was on the way to his cousin's wedding. Their family owned a property, real estate, and investment agency. Not forgetting to mention that they own the Fahsiong shipping and trading agency.
The biggest shipping and trade company chains in Macau and was the artery vein of Macau economy.

Jimin tried to forget everything about two days ago, even asking Yoongi and Taehyung to leave him alone for a while. After Jungkook left he ran into the bathroom and locked himself there. He cried all night, and in the humid bathroom, he ended up getting a cold. The next morning he told Yoongi and Taehyung about it. They swore they would find Jungkook and kill him there, or they'll hire somebody to sabotage Jungkook's father business and work so he'll end up being broke, but that's to risky. Jimin then called Rosé and told her everything that had happened when they were packing for Macau and Shanghai. Jimin cried in her shoulders. When they left Yoongi and Taehyung to the airport, Rosé had cheered him up on the way in. She knows that after today, Daniel won't be there for Jimin like he used to. So she had to be there for him. She is all that Jimin has. And she swears she'll always be there.

The time they had gotten off the plane was 5:60. Shy Macau is just getting started to show her bright lights.

"Have you called Ko Daniel?"
Jimin asked as he carries the luggage suitcases left and right. She nodded as she hugs up on the phone call.
"Just got off the phone with him? why don't you call him too?"
Rosé asked Jimin as she took one of the baggages.
Jimin continues to walk. Uncomfortable with the question Rosé just asked. Rosé seeing his face changes, sighs and continued walking. "You didn't even said congratulations?"
Rosé smiled.
"I know.."
Jimin said in a dissatisfied voice.
"It's just.. I really.."
He continued.
"Look up to him, and i really love him.."
He frowns.
"I know.. I do too, but.."
She turns to face Jimin.
"It's selfish for us to want Ko Daniel to be ours forever.. He deserves a nice woman that really loves him and.. that's just how life is."
She smiled softly.
"He'll still be around in our family reunions anyway.. don't know if he'll want to sneak out on the roofs again though."
She laughed a bit, making Jimin crack a smile.
"Thanks Chae.."
He smiled.
"Anytime shorty."
She said with a smirk.
"I- Hey!"
Jimin hit her head with wis wallet.
"Ouch, okay. Okay! I'll stop!"
She laughed as they both jumped into a cab.

The ride was silent, Jimin was too busy getting amazed at Macau. It's been a while since he last visited Macau, aboit 2 Years ago. The tall skyscrapers reminds him of Singapore. The Chinese styled pagodas, and the school of tourists and locals fill the walkways. Looks like he's a little bit caught up in the moment to think about a certain someone.

Soon their cab arrived in a hotel. a Fancy one too, It's walls hailing to the heavens and dark glass panes reflects the skies like a giant mirror.
They thanked the cab driver and got into the hotel. There, their security escorts them to the used part of the hotel. The lobby was a big circular room, floors and pillars out of expensive marbles, living pots of Peach blossom trees fill the space with giant ornamental red lanterns hanging from the giant glass dome of the building. The sofas of the lobby were fine red leather and velvet, with a vintage-modern-chinese- interior. Their staffs wore modern maroon, Navy, and black colored qipao.
The reservation was a long horizontal block of fine dark marble covered with red silk on top, with little decorations and golden buddhas and Jade statued looking as extravagant as the giant golden phoenix in a circular design as their crest, with backlights and was hung on their wall. Hanzi characters above the golden Fenghuang named the high-end, upscale hotel; 金鳥王 酒店
gam niu wong resort.
They both checked in and a few minutes later their escorts arrived and led them to their different rooms. Jimin was on the 8th floor king suite, while Rosé's was on the 6th.

The wedding will start in 1 and a half days..

8:00 PM.

Jimin lazily ate a bag of lays as he watched the Bachelor. Yesterday was Daniel's bachelor party, but Jimin couldn't come because he was too young. The family meetings will start tomorrow to celebrate the night before the wedding. That means they'll be having their traditional ceremonies tomorrow. Jimin then walked over to the small basket on the desk next to the tv. It's a parcel with snacks and candies wrapped inside. Jimin took out a mooncake package and ate the mung bean pastry. Jimin sighs, he can't believe Daniel is getting married already.. Isn't it was yesterday that they were chasing frogs and playing with Mr. Harimau, Daniel's tiger.
After tomorrow he's a new man.. He's getting married with a woman that he loves. They're going to be happy together, raise children.
And.. He wouldn't be like what he used to.. he couldn't run away from family events like he used to, or jump across the pond stones, He would be spending his time listening to Jimin's life complains like he used to... He had to be a perfect example for his future children and a mature husband for his wife. Be a successful young man with a charming family, raising their business and family as they grow. He'll be having new responsibilities as a parent, a husband, and a CEO.

"He's gonna be a good man.."

he whispered to himself then fed himself another mooncake and  smiled as the lights of Macau shines in the dark distance. He'll be seeing Daniel again tomorrow too..  He really missed him.

"I couldn't be more proud of him.."

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