A look back

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서울. 12 日 7 月 2019 年

It's been quite some time since Jungkook returned back to Korea, and school is starting just soon. He told Namjoon to not tell their parents or anybody else except them about what happened during Summer, for the rest of the school break he just stayed home spending the days in his room lounging and doing nothing. He wasn't even crying or depressed just a cycle of eating being angry and regretting. Sooner or later if he keeps on living like this he'll probably gonna end up on an
episode of my 600 lbs life.

His mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Ugh. WHAT?!"
He yelled back.


He screamed again.

His mom called again.

He screams.
No reply.


"- i swear to fucking god-"
Jungkook violently jumped off his bed and literally knocked his door down.


"Take a bath!"
His mom said from the distance.


Jungkook went downstairs to raid the fridge after his 2 hour long bath. His fingers had already turned to prunes and he can feel himself slowly turning into a mermaid. He opened the fridge to be greeted by an empty space, his jaw dropped at the lack of consumption. He felt offended, he felt discriminated.

"This is racist, i am disappointed."
He said to himself. 

He took a deep sigh as he was thinking of how to fill up his empty stomach. His guts are literally crushing one another. He was home alone, Namjoon had went to Hoseok's house this morning for some reason. His dad had went to work and his mom was at the restaurant. He groans as his stomach pleaded for mercy.
"I have no choice... Looks like i have to show my face in public."
He ran up the stairs and wore his hoodie, it's raining slightly and he's not enjoying that.

He groaned as he opened the front door to be greeted by gray skies cold air and soft trickling water. He opened his umbrella and went down to the sidewalk, the nearest restaurant wasn't even a restaurant. It's a tteokbokki stand, and it was crowded.
When in rains people crowd tteokbokki stands to find a cheap, yet delicious and comforting food to fill up in the cold rain. The little stand now has got a tarpoulin roof extension where long wooden tables are out out. The smell of pepper paste and boiling ginseng soup mixed with the savory smell of sesame oil being tossed on the hot wok filled the air. Jungkook took a breather and walked up to the ordering que and when his turn to order he ordered a  portion of spicy tteokbokki, gimbap, and chicken ginseng soup. As he ate his second roll of gimbap the
Lady giving away free tea.

The lady smiled and nodded before she left.
He sipped the warming cup as the wind blew gently. Slightly shaking the tarpoulin sheets.

"Hyung! Are you home?"
"Yea. Why?"
"I'm coming over okay?"
"Mkay, see you then."
He ended the call as he paid for the food and left. The rain had already passed but the wind is still passing. He skipped over the puddles of rainwater as he made his way to Chanyeol's house. His house was a normal size house, although it's yard is a little big larger because it's location is in a hook. The gate of his house was an electronic gate he clicked the buzzer and the gate opened shortly after. The car wasn't there so his parents or dad is probably outside.

"Hyung! I'm here!"
He knocked at the door.
Footsteps then was heard from the other side. Then the giant was there. His hair was still messy, eyes still half opened, and was only wearing a gray tee and a pair of boxers.

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