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A/N; i'm back, whew. i'm sorry i wasn't able to upload any content. Something came up so i wasn't able to.. I'll do my best to keep this story rolling until the ending as frequent as possible. Thank you for understanding ㅠㅠ


"Rosé tell me a joke.."
Jimin said lazily as he tossed and turned in his seat. He was feeling carsick now even though they're not in a car.. does a train car count?
They took a train ride to Shanghai in a private cabin. It's a 6 hour drive from Macau in a speed train.

Rosé echoed Jimin then rolled her eyes before sighing heavily and shook he head.
"I don't know.."
"Your love life?"
Rosé said with a lazy smile.
Jimin's lips turned 'o' and he immediately smacked her on the head with a magazine and threw her a piece of his lemon cake.
"Don't be fucking rude."
"you're so fucking rude!"

Rosé jumped and laughed a cruel laugh.
"Don't be fucking rude, i will hurt you. I will hurt you."
Jimin stood up and took rosé's purse from her seat and hit her with it.
"Oh my God, Jimin calm your fucking ass you don't have to attack me like that, you told me to tell you a joke! like how old are you? twelve?!"
Rosé said uncomfortably.
"Yea but dis you thought that was a good joke?? um, guess what it's not. You know I'm sensitive about it so why do have to bring it up! Like why?"
Jimin explained then pursed his lips.
"Oh my fucking God i was joking!"
Rosé defended herself.
"Well it wasn't funny, fucking james cordon did abetter job in trying to be funny."
He pointed his fingers angrily.
"Oh my god, like-"
"I'm sensitive about that okay??"
Jimin lunges his face at her.

"Whatever I'm going to the toilet."
Rosé went to the other cabin angrily and slammed the cabin door.
"Nobody fucking likes you Chaeyoung."
Jimin shouted.

He sat down angrily and ate his lemon cake in an offended matter. Stabbing it as if he was murdering it. He unlocked his phone and sent a voicemail to his group with Taehyung and Yoongi.

"Oh my god, guys, I'm fucking fine, you don't have to like check on me for like every five minutes. It's been two weeks okay? I'M FINE!"
Two minutes later the other two logged in. Taehyung typed first.
"Oh my god okay, jeez are you having a period or something?"
"Taehyung just let him be, he's still pissed about it don't turn him up more."
Jimin threw his phone on the empty seat next to him. He looked out the window to the view of the village side.
He sighs as he pulled down the curtains. He closed his eyes as he tried to sleep. His mind walks upon to certain giant with big ears. His eyes jolted out. He looked left and right, making sure nobody was in the same cabin as he is. He slithers his fingers to his phone. He opened the books app on his phone then switched it to the pdf folders. There.. time was then.
A familiar smile with bright wide eyes and ears greeting him back. He can feel his a smile slowly starting to form on his cheeks. A warm feeling sparked,


it died again.
a cold pain in his chest radiates.
His smile fell and he kept on looking through the old pictures like walking through a memory lane.
Fond memories, but if you think of them too much they'll hurt you.
It's been two weeks and Jimin doesn't know why is he in a Chanyeol phase again. It's probably because his brain is still in a shock after the Jungkook incident and now it's trying to find someone else to occupy his mind off Jungkook, but the problem is why Chanyeol out of any person on this planet. Out of the billions and billions of them why him?? a person that had hurt him, an old news. A used heart.
by Jimin.
Now Jimin and Chanyeol's relationship is hard to trace back. Well not really, every path and turns is actually crystal clear, but he just doesn't want to remember even though the fact that Jimin had walked down that path again after they split for to many times again.
It's like the algorithm doesn't match up? Or is it the algorithm?
When you're broken by someone that you cared about so much, you'll just start to think about the other people that had hurt you too.
Was that the formula?
Because all of the love you gave to the wrong person will always find it's way back to you.

Do it.

"That one is Ursa Major, and that one is.. Ursa Minor."
"-Okay but which one is the big dipper."
"The major one. There."
He pointed up towards the stars. Jimin slithers his palm on the giant's.
"Your hand are like, ten times the size of mine." he giggles.
"My hands are normal, it's just you that's undersized."
"I am not undersized." Jimin smiled.
"I'm just travel sized."
"Travel sized?" Chanyeol echoed and laughed. "So that's what they call short these days?"
"Chanyeol- you're so mean!"
Chanyeol laughed and Jimin pouted.
"What'll happen if one of the Dipper's stars die out. Will it still be the Big Dipper?"

"Well, if you think of it.. No. You know because let's just say the middle one dies. That one there.. Then it'll lose it's shape, You know, the 'dipped' shape. But it'll take about a gazillion years more for it to die."

"I hope.."

"I hope it'll never die!"
Jimin said in a smile. Chanyeol smiled back caressing the other's cheeks.
"God, i wish the dipper never dies."
Jimin closed his eyes.
Chanyeol said too. In his view he sees a small boy, blonde hair. perfect lips, a cute nose. And someone he'll want to spend his entirety with.

"Let's wish upon a star."
"Sure, which one?"
"The one i prayed for."

"If it dies then our love dies too."
"Why would you want to wish for that?" Chanyeol winced his eyes.
"You see Park Chanyeol, I prayed that star to last for eternity. So it'll never die."
Chanyeol nodded.
"So we'll never die."
"- our love will never die."

"If we never die.. i wanna spend my immortality young and in love."
"With me?" Chanyeol asked.
"Together!" Jimin showed his pinky.
"Forever!" Chanyeol joined their pinkies.

"The sun's down."
Jimin snaps back into reality.
He looked over his shoulder to see Rosé standing there.
"I'm sorry Jimin."
"It's okay Chae. I'm just too sensitive."
Chaeyoung smiled softly.
"We'll be arriving in Shanghai in an hour."
Jimin nodded. Chaeyoung got up and left.
Jimin watched as she left and closed the door. He took a deep breath then opened the curtains. Greeted by the seaside in the night. The waves crashing gently on the stones. He looked towards the moon. Then the stars underneath it.
The big dipper. It never died.


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