How to make a perfect char kway teow.

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Jimin picked up the suitcase he had won the other night to grab some money. Inside the suitcase was $50 million dollars, minus the $100-ish that he threw to his cousins when he left. The cash was still in american dollars so he would need to convert in later. He took out $900 and shut the case and hid it under the bed.
He walked out of his room and out into the street. The hotel was in the old side of Singapore. With colonial styled buildings with red roofs and white walls. He walked down into a taxi stop and got in. The day was sunny, and a bit hot. He might have to buy a pack of Chendol.
He told the driver to drop him in a hawker centre.
He did had breakfast, and he was still full, but he just wanted to chew, because who doesn't?
So he ordered a plate of Hainan chicken rice, a plate of mutton curry Paratha and packed two portions of Chendol.

He did had breakfast, and he was still full, but he just wanted to chew, because who doesn't?So he ordered a plate of Hainan chicken rice, a plate of mutton curry Paratha and packed two portions of Chendol

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He sat alone down in one of the seats in the semi-crowded hawker centre.
He took a boomerang of his food to upload to Instagram and then started eating.
First he ate the Hainan rice.
Playing with the chicken, he ate the chicken infused rice. It's been awhile since he ate alone in a hawker centre, it's a nice thing to do actually. Sure having someone to chat with while eating is fun, but eating alone let's him fully address the flavours of the food he ordered and address his own mind.
He had always liked eating. everyone does actually, but he enjoys the feeling of curiosity about the dish, peeling the layers of ingredients of it and guessing the techniques that the cook had used to cook.
He thought of the Hainan rice he had ate in another hawker centre and felt that this one is a little bit too dry.

He thought of the Hainan rice he had ate in another hawker centre and felt that this one is a little bit too dry

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where's the soup?
they didn't give me the soup?

He walked up to the stall that he bought the Hainan rice from.
" Auntie you haven't give me the soup lor."
He called the Auntie on the cashier.
"did not ah?"
the Auntie quickly walked behind to the kitchen and yelled to one of her employees.
lu pada ga' beri dia punya sop ah?
Jimin heard the auntie and laughed.
A few moments later the auntie went out and handed him the soup.
Jimin went back and continued eating.

Once he finished he walked around the hawker centre, looking at the other stalls selling foods that to him, nostalgic. That's when he stumbled upon it. Finally. Char kway teow.
It's been so long since he had a plate of it. When he bought a plate of it when they had just arrived Taehyung took a bite of it and claimed it his.
Jimin was excited to say the least.
He ran towards the stall and smiled at the variations of the Kway teow they were selling. But one,one and only. Char kway teow.
"Uncle, Char kway teow one leh!"
He peered over to the uncle who was stir frying the noodles in his giant wok.
"One ha?"
"Yes please."
"Ten minutes."
Jimin smiled and paid.
Ten minutes later the uncle came to his
table that was on the side of the hawker centre.
"Here you go, enjoy."
(Gamxia: thank u.)

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