The Promotion

852 36 24

Soundtrack: Bad Liar-Selena Gomez.

Author's POV-
Jungkook felt his heart skipped a beat when he saw Jimin and The Royals came in in his gym uniform.

look at him in shorts, awwh!!
his eyes slowly missing when he laughs and the way he tucks his hair behind his ear. he's such a smol bean, i can't.

"Jeon Jungkook!"
Mrs. Lee shouted at the boy, snapping him from his daydreams.

He stuttered and looked around to see the students giggling at him and Chanyeol next to him burying his face in his knees out of embarrassment.

"why are you like this.."
Chanyeol muttered through.

"Come here!"
Mrs.Lee commanded, Jungkook standing next to her in the middle of the Gymnasium, the students sitting around them.

"Today we'll be doing basketball."
Mrs. Lee announced then smiled at the class.

Jungkook scanned the ring of students for Jimin, He was busy talking to Tae who was being whispered in the ear by Yoongi from his other side. nodding slowly on their every syllable.
"We need another one.."
She scanned, wincing her eyes at the stidents, then pointing at Yoongi.

"You, Min Yoongi!"
Yoongi just looked at her with an unamused stare then walked over to her right.

"In basketball there's 4 basic techniques! one, dribbling!"
she said and took out a basketball to dribble it.

she then passed the ball to Yoongi without warning, which he caught perfectly.
earning impressed faces from the students and Jimin rolling his eyes.
"Not bad Mr.Min, not bad at all."
She said then taking the ball from Yoongi to do the same to Jungkook, which he failed.

The ball hit his stomach and he groaned.
really bad.

"Oh, dear!"
Mr. Lee said squatting down next to Jungkook who was holding his stomach for dear life on the floor.

"I'm Sorry, you should've caught the ball!"
The other students were trying their best not to laugh, Jimin in the other hand walked up to Jungkook, followed by Chanyeol, who was standing a bit distanced from the two.

"Is he okay? i mean, he's fine right?"
Jimin looked down at him, then to Mrs. Lee. but Jungkook noticed something off in Jimin's usual clingy voice.

"He's gonna be fine, can you perhaps take him to the nurse's office?"
She asked helping Jungkook to sit up.
Jungkook looked at Jimin who had this off expression on his usual chill and perfect face. as if he was worried.

"Yeah, sure."
Jimin said, then looking back at The Royals who nodded, signaling an okay.
He then took Jungkook's Hands on his shoulder then wrapped his hands on Jungkook's hips as they exited the Gymnasium.

"Mrs. Nurse lady!"
Jimin yelled as he beats the door aggressively.
"Ugh, she's not here."
He sighed then just turned the nod to find it unlocked.
"wow, wasn't that necessary.."
Jungkook laughed at Jimin panicking.

Jimin then laid Jungkook on the bed then stayed still, thinking for a moment. He then ran to the Office's mini fridge to pull out a bottle of cold water then filling it in a plastic bag, tying in up tightly,
Jimin then walked up to Jungkook who was staring at the Younger boy in confusion.

(In this FF jimin is the younger one, since they are in the same grade, Jungkook's birthday being on the 1st of September then Jimin's in 13 October,so technically Jimin is younger.)

CRAZY RICH ASIANS (bangtan!) jikookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ