The Trip

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Jimin, have you been sleeping good?"
Yoongi asked Jimin as the three walked down the hall.
"Just got busy."
He said flipping his hair. causing all the girls to squeal.
"Jimin-ah! we have our first period together!"
Jungkook said smiling at Jimin.
"I know, see you at recess!"
Jimin said to Yoongi who was frozen
alone in the hallway.

"What's our first subject?"
Jimin asked.
"It's- Korean.."
Jungkook sighed.
"I don't really like Korean."
Jungkook turned to Jimin.
asked Jimin.

"Well, since EVERY student in this school speaks it fluently, why study a thing we are basically the inventor of?"
"Well first, i don't speak that fluent Korean."
Jimin said.
"I thought you were Korean.."
Jungkook said.

"Oh i am, it's just that i was raised in Singapore and my family house is in Singapore.. so i'm not actually that good in korean.."
"My other families live in Shanghai, Taipei, and Xianggang. only our grandparents and one uncle with his family live here in Busan."
Jimin said with a smile.

"why did you move here?"
Jungkook asked him

"i moved back a few years ago.. because my father wanted me to see where he spent 'his childhood' and get to experience it.."

"Do you miss home?"
Jungkook asked him.

"I think about going to Singapore on my birthday, wanna come to?"
Jimin asked Jungkook with pleading eyes as the ignorant idea sparked in his gorgeous head.

"i would, if i had money."
Jungkook scoffed.

this kid thinks I'm a rich ass person to?
nah son, he wrong. he hella wrong.
the most expensive thing i own are my adidas track pants and this kid probably has the presidential suite of his hotels under his name.

"Don't worry! we'll pay for everything, except for your souvenirs of course."
Jimin smiled and grabbed Jungkook's hands.

"I don't know.. i'll ask my parents first.."
"You're already old enough to go alone"
"Well, they're not that cool.."
"But, you're cool.."


"let's just go to class.."


"Wendy, move please."
Jimin said as they got into the class.
Wendy said looking up from her Bible.
"ugh- I said move. Are your ears damaged or something?"
Jimin grabbed her books and move it to the seat in front of them, next to Bangchan.

"Ok, ok- sorry.."
She said as she got up.
"Jungkook! sit here."
Jimin looked at Jungkook.
Bangchan was looking at the both of them.
He had a look that moreover resembles;

"Bitch, you did not just stole my best friend then paired me up with this pastor wannabe."

Jungkook slowly sat down and looked t Bangchan who was looking away.
great, it had just been one week and people already hate me.
Goddamnit Jimin  you little shit.

Quite persuasive.. Jimin that little prick.
After some time the teacher walked in.

"Alright, so today we'll be learning about interviews and reports.
well, we'll start by sorting you guys into groups of two. umm..
With your the person next to you."

Jimin looked at Jungkook, which he smiled back. oh god, what is this.

"And try to interview them, try to talk about something important and serious. the other day the kid from the other classes decided to talk about Fortnite dances and i had to watch Fortnite videos on YouTube for three days straight to understand their essay."
"so please, make my job easier for me."
"Now go."
She said as she sat down and drank from her tumbler.

I don't think that's coffee in there.
Jungkook looked at Jimin and took a deep breath.
"Jimin, I'm the interviewer?"
"Okay, I'm cool with that."
"Of course you are,"
he probably gets interviews all the time, vogue, elle, i don't know? chanel?
is there a chanel magazine?

what questions, how much his father gets paid per month? no, that's weird.
does his mother get plastic surgery?
that's creepy. Do i need to pay him if i want him to go at my house? that came out wrong..

"Jimin, what are the odds of me getting to be here?"
"That's a really serious question,"
Jimin said jokingly.
"No, it's just that... you're rich, your friends are rich. I'm not."

shit that was very personal and emotional, what the fuck.

"Well, you're a really nice guy... you're pretty cool,"
Jimin said as he nod his head.

did Park Jimin just complemented me?

"You're, I don't know, have a good looking body.. shit that came out wrong"
Jimin said as he looked down and started to shy away.

that sounds weird..

"Okay, um.. thanks?"
Jungkook said as he put his hand on his neck.

"i get that a lot..."
Jungkook said as he tried to make things a little bit less awkward, fails.

Jimin looked up and quickly looked away.
shit I'm blushing.
this hoe is too hot, why, why.

"Jungkook, can we talk about something else.."

well this is cheesy..

"Okay, umm.. how did you meet tae and yoongi."
"well, i've known yoongi since i was 2 so, yeah."
"i knew him back when i moved to Korea. which was 1st grade middle school."

"What was your first impression?"
"well for yoongi, i had already forgot."
"Tae, who is this overactive spoiled little prick."
"Was he really that bad?"
"Why did you befriend him if he's that bad?"
"Was it because he's rich?"


"I-m.. i'm sorry, i just hesitated, I thought you were those type of people, you know?"


"i, I don't know. you just look like you're that type of person.
you're rich, you have the perfect family, perfect house, perfect hair even..
and i'm just.. me.
I don't have a mansion, I don't own fifteen sport cars, and my hair is ridiculous.. i just thought, why me?"

"Jungkook- no, i like you because you're simple. you're just you,
you're not like the others, my other friends with their big reputations have to cover their real selves,
so much hiding.. I don't even know their names..
only you and yoongi and tae are the only people i know that isn't a liar to themselves..
i like you because you're not a big hiding mess, i like you because you're so bright all the time, i like youthe only person that I don't have to hide myself to.."

"I only know me when I'm with you.."

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