Where'd he go?

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Cold September rolls around, the orange and golden leaves piling up on the pavements and covering up thw now pale almost dead grass. The cold breeze blowing on Jungkook's fresh face. He just took a hot shower 15 minutes ago.
The first day of school was here. Can't wait for more suffering in biology class and more mental breakdowns that Chemistry had in store for them.

Now that the school's corridor are empty and some of the hallways are still dark Jungkook decided to sit at the cafeteria. Only a few kids had just arrived, not the ones he knew or was friends with so he sat still and read a book he'd just bought recently. Paper towns by John green . He liked the story, how it was structured, the complexity and simplicity that the author used to create the images of the story through the narrations. The deep and somewhat unexpectedness of the characters and their development and the curvy and flawed path of romance the story dwelled in. Reminded him that love isn't always fairies and rainbows. Margo Roth Spiegelman might just remind Jungkook a little bit too much about a certain someone.

First period went by easily and silently. The presence of bratty Taehyung that bothered him daily back in June was there but he was quiet, not even saying a single peep. He somehow pretended that Jungkook wasn't there. Jungkook in the other hand didn't even dare to look at him. Chanyeol seats away from them hovers over them and with full knowledge of what had happened, he stayed quiet.
Everybody was happy to finally see each other again, talks of 'my summer' was to be heard everywhere to the point where it was kind of getting annoying, he wanted to just say "we get it, you want to endorse your latest post on instagram but can you please shut up?"

Now lunchtime Jungkook felt lost and confused, he leaned onto Chanyeol who gladly took him to the cafeteria to eat with his friends. The other kids on the table were busy chatting and laughing, Jungkook was quiet as he observed the empty middle seat on the Royal's seat. The prince was missing from his throne. He wanted to ask and talk to them so bad, he needed to know where was Jimin, how is he, and how sorry he is.
Regrets do come afterwards.

The entire day Jungkook hovered them, keeping an eye from a far. Jimin was absent.
Now in the school's courtyard with his friends, who were planning to get some bingsoo after school. He said he was feeling a little lightheaded, so he said he'll skip that part and just go home straight away.
His mind was pretty much away, practically somewhere else in a place far far away. His mind only came to one thing by now and has been for the entire day. Jimin. Where on earth could he be?


Two weeks had passed since school began, and studying was pretty slow at this point.
Mornings are pretty dull anyways, especially mondays. Chanyeol rolled off the bed as lazy as usual. His limbs are too long for the bed anyways. As he hopped off and went to the bahtroom his foot slipped on the bedside carpet, slamming his face on the panelled wood floor.
"Ugh, wake up.."
He scowed to himself as he hurried his long legs to the bathroom.

He took of his black band tees from his figure and hing it on the door's handle. He then turned the hot water tap in a symetrical level as the cold water tap, the shower head then bursts out the water.
He washed himself as his braincells turning slowly awake. Chanyeol tries to remember what day it is today. He swore his alarm wasn't on today, neither did he looked at the clock to check on what time it was.
He then quickly washed off all of the soap suds and bubbles from his body and got dried up. After exiting the bathroom he grabbed the alarm next to the bedside.


He quickly jumped into his uniform and put on a coat on then he zoomed out of the house. Tossing the keys back inside through the crack underneath the door.
He then ran to the closest bus stop that's in his area. He tapped his shoes on the bus' floor impatiently as he waited for the slow bus which continues to stop for every 2 minutes.
The bus eventually stops at a station that's at least close enough to his school, as the door opened he jumped off and ran, not even opening his umbrella. Even though it had started raining.
He finally made it clise to the school's premises. The gate was in view, he then stopped walking and realises that his shirt is at least 47% drenched in H2O.
He opens the umbrella as he walked slowly to the gate.
The security guard wearing a plastic hoodie walked closer to him.
"Mr. Gwon?"
Chanyeol spoke up.
"What are you doing here?"
Mr. Gwon who was drenched hurried him to go in his little office.
"School, wait. Why is the gate closed?"
Chanyeol glanced at the school building from the office. It was dark, all the lights are off and the gates were closed.

CRAZY RICH ASIANS (bangtan!) jikookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن