Tan huas and Jimin.

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tanhua flower, (曇花)a type of flower, greatly appreciated and highly prized for its beauty and simplicity in China and in the Malay realm; Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia. Where in Indonesia it's called Wijaya Kusuma. meaning; Grateful triumph.

the car stopped in line as the fancy vehicles in front of them was dropping their masters one by one, one fancy blue silk hanfu , one deep red velvet qipao,  one dark green brocade kebaya, one by one they see almost everybody wearing herritage clo...

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the car stopped in line as the fancy vehicles in front of them was dropping their masters one by one, one fancy blue silk hanfu , one deep red velvet qipao,  one dark green brocade kebaya, one by one they see almost everybody wearing herritage clothing, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook soon realises and asked Jimin if they're in the dress code or not.
"Jimin, are our clothes fine? Because the other people are-"
"Chill Tae, the only people who wear the traditional clothing are family only."
Jimin looked over the window, playing with his red fan as fancy cars line up behind them and rich people crawling everywhere.
"What's the occasion anyway?"
Yoongi asked.
Jimin started.
" You guys know tomorrow is my birthday right? "
Jimin asked them.
They all said in unison.
"Good cause if you don't I'll sent you back to Korea tomorrow."
The others smile nervously and laughed.
" So, a day before i was born my family's tan hua opened. Now a tan hua don't just open up every day, it only opens up in certain times a year."
" and my family has a schedule of when the family tan hua opened. And it never change, never."
" the day before i was born was not marked as a tan hua day, so when it surprisingly did. Every body was shocked, and then Ah ma marked that day 'Family Tan Hua' day."
They nodded at the information.
Then a butler came, dressed nicely and opened their car door.
Jimin looked over them and smiled, getting out first as the cameras flashed and Jimin signalled them to go out.
Jimin had his right hand wrapped around Jungkook's left arm. the other one holding a traditional black umbrella with red  dragons and clouds on them.
Jungkook felt the flashes blinding, the three other boys find it flattering and normal. They walked towards the gate, stepping on the stairs and the butlers opened up to reveal an extravagant make up to the deep green hills wallpaper and the $10.000 worth living rooms. with silk lanterns decorating the ceilings, real tropical plants and shrubs stuffed in the corners, people all  from the upscale standing around having a good time. A little bamboo stage was put in the centre for the jazz singers. A big buffet serving Singaporean dishes. Towers of  kueh, mountains of nasi lemak, and pools of sweet deserts. a temple made out of treats and mung bean cakes, a dragon made out of  sour-sweet barbecued prawns. You name it they have it.
Jungkook was blown by the party. He thought  things like this only happens in movies and books.
Jimin tugged and Jungkook faced him.
Jimin smiled.
"You okay?"
He said with a gentle and soothing voice.
Jungkook nodded aggressively.
"Just tell me when it gets to over the top, okay?"
He said putting his head on the taller boy's shoulders.
"You should meet my family. I think my dad is here."
Jimin smiled at the thought.
Jungkook felt his heart skipped a beat.
Meeting Jimin's dad?
Meeting Jimin's Mom was a big yellow card. The dad? that's clearly a big wide red card flashing with red lights wrapped in a police 'Do not cross' tape.
And his face tells it all.
"Oh c'mon! He'll love you!"
Jimin pleaded.
Jungkook only shook his head.
Taehyung and Yoongi standing next to them laughing at the show.
"You guys go ahead and meet the family, we'll look through the buffet.. have a good time okay?"
Taehyung tapped Jimin's shoulder then takes Yoongi to the buffet.
Jimin smiled as people greeted him as they walked.
the singer sang a beautiful rendition of the classic song Jimin remembered all too well.
Jimin walked Jungkook inside the kitchen, where tens of chefs were cooking all sorts of foods. From small cakes to flaming stir fried prawns with noodles. Fruits were stacked in a tray to make a shape of flowers and animals. A fenghuang  and Liong made from honeydews and melons. A globe of the Far East made carved in a watermelon that is sat on a beautiful log seat covered in Jasmines, Orchids, and pink flowers.
The Kitchen smelled both flowery and sweet and Savoury charcoal barbecue smell in the same time. Jungkook only wanted to walk around the big kitchen seeing the amazing chefs cook their foods so professionally and sniff the intoxicating beautiful smells. Jimin smiled at the wonderful view.
Jimin called as he spotted a woman in a beautiful silk Long sleeved silk magenta and light blue Hanfu with orchids and chrysanthemums in her round hair, preparing a dish of Ketam asam-manis. (sweet and sour stir fried crab.)
She looked up from her plate and smiled at both of the boys. She waved then walked over to them.
She hugged Jimin and Jungkook, Jungkook shocked at the sudden contact then bowed to her.
Eshter then scanned the both of them.
She smiled widely, as if she was having a wonderful daydream.
"I can see you both with these on your marriage."
Both of them blushed and Jimin said something in Mandarin and His mom only nodded then looked over Jungkook smiling then whispered in his ear.
"Take good care of him."
Jungkook blushed and smiled to himself before saying that he will.
Jimin stood there completely puzzled.
"Well, you both should be get going. The rest of the family is waiting."
Esther said. before fixing Jungkook's tie.
"You both look dashing."
She smiled. That smile reminds Jungkook a lot of Jimin. She then put her hands on her waist as of she was angry.
"Go on then? Keep going. Nothing to see here!."
She shooed them jokingly.
"I'll be out there in a minute."
She said before both of them got out of the kitchen.
"Well, she likes you a lot."
Jimin said sort of offended.
"Hey, it's not my fault I'm that charming."
Jungkook replied.
"heads up. Jackasses."
Jimin warned Jungkook as they were getting closer to a group of people in traditional clothing. Family.
Jungkook asked.
"Shush! we'll go past them quietly"
Jimin said in a small voice with his head hidden with the umbrella.
they managed to get pass them. The buffet was in sight, Yoongi was picking the kueh when-

"Park,    Jimin.."
A voice called.
Jimin swore right then and there he wanted to jump out of the window and run into the bamboo forest.



He looked back and saw Chaeyeong running carrying her pink umbrella.
"Wow, Emo much?"
Chaeyeong said staring at Jimin's black wear.
"Gee thanks, dr. Mcstuffins."
Jimin replied scoffing.
"I expected an asian barbie."
"Nope, you're dr. Mcstuffins."
"F you Jimin. Who's this guy?"
"Oh my na-"
"Are you his Boyfriend?"
They stared at each other awkwardly.
"We're close."
Jimin answered for him.
"So it's a soon."
She replied with a finger on her chin and her lips pouted.
"Let's bail this party."
Jimin said to Chaeyeong.
Jimin said confused.
"Ah ma needs you. So you can't bail. But he can."
She said as a smile starts to grow on her face.
Jungkook looked at Jimin who was stressing out.
"I won't go. I'll be with him."
He said pointing at Jimin with a childish pout.
"No kook, if Ah ma needs me it's gonna be some serious shit with the family.. Chae, take kook okay?"
"Meet me at the tan hua house at the main event."
"Absolutely.. don't worry, I'm not into guys like you anyway."
She said taking his hands before running away. Jungkook looked back at Jimin who waved at him and disappeared into the crowds.

"Kook. that what he calls you?"
He mumbles as he played with little sticks.
They were sitting next to the bamboo forest, in front of a small lake.
Chaeyeong let out a long sigh before standing up and hopped to the lakeside. Jumping on a rock.
"This is where me, Jimin, and my other cousin will bail a family meeting to,
Jungkook looked up still having a big angry pout.
"We'll sing here.. then the voices will echo in the forest."
She said with her hands raised.
"Birds will come out and fly!"
She hopped.
"What do you usually do kook?"
She sat on the rock.
putting her head on her hands.
Jungkook stayed quiet.
"Are you always this quiet?"
She questioned.
"You're very different from his last boyfriend.."
She said laying her head on the stone behind her.
"He was very noisy... but in a good way."
She continued.
" i had only seen him twice i think.. and once in school back then."
Jungkook stopped.
"He goes to the same school as us?"
Jungkook asked.
Chaeyeong repeated the last word.
"Yeah, we go to the same school.."
Chaeyeong tilted her head.
"Me and you!"
Jungkook raised his voice.
"Really? I've never seen you around.."
"I literally sit three seats away from you at lunch in the cafeteria."
Jungkook said, offended. Was he really this low on the school's popularity chart?
"Your friends literally cat called me on the first day of high school."

"Jungkook ... Jeon Jungkook?"
She asked him.

"Yes! Oh my god! how did you didn't know?"
He said low key offended.
"I don't know. Don't blame me. Do you hang out with Jackson Wang's squad, Daniel Kang's, or Oh Sehun's"
She said squinting her eyes.
Jungkook slowly looked down.
He said in a small voice.
"No wonder I don't know you.."
She said standing up.
"Can't believe Jimin could like someone in your rank."
"You probably hang out with Kim Namjoon, no offence."
She said, as she furrowed her brows.
Jungkook gulped in the mention of his brother. Wow, the two of them are really losers aren't they?
"I mean i have no problem with you."
Chaeyeong clarify.
"It's just odd for Jimin.. he usually only goes out for the biggest, most famous, the classic definition of James Dean lah."
Jungkook looked down at her words.
Was Jimin only using him?
No right?.. why would he kiss me if he only uses me as a property?

"Then he met the guy before you.. and then he ended up breaking Jimin's heart into a gazillion pieces.."
"He wasted luxuries for him. gave him Chanel, bought him an electric guitar. showered him with his love and money. Only for him to break Jimin in the end."

Jungkook's mind was racing.
what if he only invited me here so he'll look good in front of the school?
That's not possible right? Jimin wanted to be my friend because.. i was cool?
He bought me clothes right? lots of them.Why would he?

"Jimin said that boyfriends are just a waste of time and money."

"Then he said i would never wanted to be in love again."
"Then again, you're here.. i guess.
guess he just really likes the attention."

He really likes the attention.

he only likes the attention.

"I like the attention."
Jimin's word came into mind. then it all falls into place for Jungkook.

"i need to go to the bathroom please.."
Jungkook stood up as he held back a lump in his throat.
Leaving Chaeyeong in the forest alone as he ran.


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