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When I close my mind all I see is you
Without me and with that other girl
The one you said you wouldn't fall for
Oh how,
Oh how the tables have changed
Don't think I won't forget what you have done to my mind

"Done" by me

"You don't know that," I reply, my face turning hard and any lust once there gone.

"I don't think the princess wants a poor mate," Kayden says with a snide, and his face turning into a frown, as if we were two pieces of a puzzle that didn't fit together.

"Are you going to reject me yet?" he asks, tapping his fingers on the wall impatiently, expecting there to be no way to fit the pieces together. It's too bad that puzzle pieces were meant to be rotated.

"Unfortunately, that's impossible," I reply. "If you hadn't known before, once you mark your mate they can't reject you."

Sighing, my 'mate' walks to the edge of the room and sits down. Floating around the room is a sense of awkwardness, once which hasn't yet been cleared.

"All I think about is you," I quietly hum, remembering the lyrics to a very old song. "I just wished I was more like her- the one you truly love."

"Shut up, would you?"

"And why should I?"

"Because your voice is extremely annoying."

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?" Honestly, it did sting. There may be a creepy bond pulling us together, but it sure doesn't seem like it.

"Just shut up," he replies.

"But I'm the princess here."

"And if you don't reject me I'm the future prince," he smartly replies, knowing where he stands.

"Stop trying to be smart when we both know you really aren't."

"And why's that?"

"If you weren't retarded, you would know you can't reject whoever marked you."

"That's very harsh, sweetheart," he says, mocking what I had said earlier in our argument.

"You know, maybe I should have left you to my brother- than I wouldn't have an annoying as hell mate to deal with." It's not like I have nothing to deal with already.

"News flash, almost everyone else loves you, adding one more person to your hate club isn't going to kill you."

Loves me? Yeah, sure. "It's not like I'm ignored by everyone, treated like I'm retarded, hated by my family.."

"Too much information." Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud. Somehow, his disinterest in my life causes a sharp pain in my chest, but it's not like I haven't dealt with anything like this before.

"Not like you actually listened," I murmured out loud, sure that his werewolf hearing definitely picked up on my remark.

Quickly, I look around, being more observant of this room. The walls are cold and hard, made of a steel-like material. The floor appears to be a dark, royal blue, but with all the dirt on it, I can't tell. There are drops of red on the floor- blood. I look over at Kaiden and realize there are dark black spots all over his body, and open cuts, some of them which appear to need stitches.

"What did they do to you?" I softly ask, almost afraid to hear what my brother did. To me, he seemed like the innocent one in the family. After all, it seemed like he could do no wrong with the way he was treated. It was as if he was the most royal of all the royals, if that makes sense.

"Why would you care?" Kaiden sneers, making me realize its better if I don't know.

"Fine than."


His Queen's Wrecked Life ✔️ {Sequel Being Written}Where stories live. Discover now