Tickle Time!

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This is a short I came up with, just to get the metaphorical ball rolling :) I hope it's okay, enjoy!!
Stephen had a mission, he thought one evening. Daniel had gone out for food, leaving him and Hosuh themselves to lounge in the study.

Daniel did leave him with a request though, a request he was determined to fulfil.

Hosuh was laying on his arms over the desk, almost asleep. Normally he would be the one on top of the work for the channel but today he seemed more tired than usual. Probably had an all nighter again without telling them.

He deserved a good break, and Stephen intended to give him such. With a bit of fun of course.

He stood up slowly as not to make noise and slowly tiptoed closer to where his friend slept, trying to reach him without waking him up.

Once reaching him, the purple head crouched down and waited for the right moment as he watched. Hosuh breathed silently and peacefully, his hair falling down slightly over his eye. Stephen couldn't help but brush it behind his ear.

Suddenly Hosuh hummed and shifted in his seat, startling Stephens hand away. He calmed down eventually though, leaving Stephen to sigh in relief.

Not that it mattered though, he was going to wake him up anyway, but that would ruin the surprise.

He sighed once more in preparation, before lifting his arms in a flourish and digging them under Hosuh's arms.

Immediately he sat up and squealed to the touch, wiggling and twisting to get out of the others grasp.

"HAHAHAHAHA!! STEHEHEPHEN!! DOHOHONT!!!" He squealed and arched but the other just kept on grinning.

Daniel choose that time to walk back into his apartment, confused and intrigued at the cries of laughter coming from his room.


He suddenly heard a loud thump and, panicking, started to run towards the noise.

What he was met with was a flustered Hosuh laying stomach flat on the floor, wiggling and kicking to get out of Stephens grasp, who sat proudly on his waits and ran his fingers up and down the victims sides.

He couldn't help chuckling along.

"Can I join in?" He asked, mostly to Stephen, who perked up at his voice and smiled evilly.
"The more the merrier" he said over Hosuh's cries of protest.

The two spent the evening trying to make it up to a pouting Hosuh, who crossed his limbs and announced he would get them back eventually. They just laughed.
Let me know if you want to see that eventually, and what kind of payback you'd like to see ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

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