Stubbornless illness

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Someone requested the reverse of the first part of this, so I just thought I'd make a part two :)
Stephen hadn't meant to get anyone else sick. In fact, aside from an ingrained stubbornness he'd never been able to do away with, it was his main reason for staying away from the guys when he first got sick.

And yet here he sat, on the edge of Hosuh's bed, staring unhappily as he watched Daniel hold a thermometer under their tongue.

"Yep, that's a fever." He tutted, watching Hosuh sigh into the pillows. His face was flushed a pale red, and his brow was littered with sweat.

"Why me?" He muttered to himself, "couldn't the germs have stayed on our sofa?"
In his ranting, he didn't notice the subtle droop of the purple heads shoulders. And the ever so small frown now decorating their face.

Dan got up with a loaded sigh, turning to sooth the creases out of Hosuh's forehead.
"I'll grab you some medicine and something small to eat, then you can rest all day 'kay?" He smiled warmly before leaving the room. Stephen looked between them, before trailing after Dan.

"Can I help?" He asked almost hesitantly. The older didn't really care to notice,
"You can make some toast for Hosuh, that should be light enough for him to eat." He waved absentmindedly at the bread bin while his eyes still searched through their medicine cabinet.

A hum with little energy was the reply, as Stephen drifted over to the toaster with two slices of bread. He put them in at a lower level with the knowledge that his sick friend liked it lightly toasted.

Just as Daniel found the medicine, and placed it beside the youngers slouched form, harsh, abrasive coughs erupted from the bedroom. Followed by an ominous thud.

"Jesus-" They both ran towards the bedroom, Stephen nearly dropping a plate he'd grabbed earlier.

They entered to find Hosuh on the floor, groaning into the carpet with his limbs tangled up in the blankets. Daniel aloud himself to laugh.
"What happened?" He smirked, helping the eldest up.
"I coughed so hard I fell." he grumbled, and turned to look at their youngest standing awkwardly off to the side with his arms uselessly dangling.

"This is your fault you know." He teased affectionately. To their surprise however, the man just gave them a waning smile. His eyes fogging over with hints of guilt.
"Sorry." He said, and both Daniel and Hosuh frowned in unison.

"Hey no don't do that." Daniel soothed, like a parent trying to calm a baby. He drew over to the other to grab one of his hands in a slack grip of reassurance.
"It's just a little fever, Hosuh's fine."

"Of course I am." Was the confident reply, and Hosuh put both his fists on his hips in a weak attempt at a superman pose. He softened when it made Stephen laugh.
"It's not like you wanted me to get sick Stephen, don't blame yourself okay?"

This time, Stephen gave them a warm smile. He looked at the oldest with apologetic eyes.
"Still though, I'm sorry."

"Silly, come here." Hosuh laughed, pulling both of his friends into a group hug.
"Ow ow you're squashing me!"
"Haha tough! I get to hug you all I want 'cuz you can't get sick."
"But I still can! Let me go already!"

Without warning, Hosuh let out a sudden sneeze.
"Oh my god I forgot about the toast!" Stephen gasped, trying to wiggle his way out of the hug.
"What about medicine? Isn't that more important?" Daniel laughed as he escaped a pouting Hosuh.

"Toast is so much better warm! You should know that you heathen!" A yell called back from the distance of the kitchen. Sending Hosuh into a weak spout of held in laughter.
I feel like no matter what I do anymore, Stephen is always the centre of the story. Damn it XD

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