Trip and Fall

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Another requests from BRAHBRAHBRAHBRAH go thank them if you like this :)
Although he's injury prone, Daniel wouldn't really call himself clumsy.

Having two left feet would be a better term, maybe even slightly disorientated? Anything but clumsy. His best friends can say what ever they want.

And they do, constantly. Stephen just the other day laughed himself into a coughing fit when Daniel stumbled into his sofa and fell face first into the cushions. Hosuh too, laughs at his friend tripping and staggering.

It was funny, until it wasn't.

Because one day the three friends went hiking. It was a supposed to be a short trip, one they didn't really plan. Hosuh had brought a picnic along with him as for them to sit and eat some sandwiches when they reached the peak of their little hike. Stephen bright the map, and obvious requirement so they didn't get lost.

They just reached the halfway point of their trek, when Stephen noticed the slightly crumbling nature of the ground they stood on. He stepped back into Hosuh, creeping away from the cliff edge about a meter in front.
"Guys," he said tepidly, " I think the cliffs eroding"

Hosuh whipped his head towards Daniel, who stood a little ahead. He watched for a second as cracks started to spread closer to Daniels feet, before tiptoeing closer to him and calling his name.

"Daniel!" He yelled and watched as his friend turned to him. "The grounds breaking, come to us quickly!"

Daniel, now panicked, tried to speed walk to the other two. He stopped immediately after as the ground crumbled under his foot. He looked up with desperation.

Stephen, now terribly scared for his friend, yelled back at him.
"Hang on I'm coming to you. We'll meet in the middle"

Slowly they inched closer to each other. Only inches apart now, Stephen reached his arm out and nodded. In one swift movement Daniel ran and grabbed onto his friends arms tightly. Hosuh managed to pull them both backward into the grass just as the floor caved. They all looked at the empty space in silent horror.

"Holy cow" Stephen held onto Daniel tighter and pulled him closer to his chest

Looking more relieved than anything else, Daniel sighed in the purples heads arms and grabbed onto Hosuh's hand that sat next to his.
"Next time lets just go to the park" he whispered. Hosuh just joined the group hug in reply.

All three boys reported the incident, and the track was closed off as deemed unsafe. It took a few movie snuggle nights for the boys to find Daniels clumsiness funny again.
I decided to do a chapter surrounding Daniel instead of one of the others. He's more of a leader in my eyes, so I wouldn't really think of him as clumsy. I wonder if any of you do? :)

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