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Another request, this one from MoonlightLily08 For all of those who wanted a crying part two, hope this will satisfy all of your wondering :)
Despite their efforts, Stephen stubbornly refused to talk about that night.

Hosuh had brought it up days later, when the moment had passed and Stephen had long been back to his usual cynical yet hyperactive self. He made sure to mention it when they were all sat together, as to not leave Daniel out and hopefully give Stephen as much support as he needed.

But when he asked, softly and reassuringly, Stephen waved them off.
"It was nothing," he said dismissively, "don't worry about it."

The other two were not convinced, and haven't been for the past two weeks or so. They tried encouraging, they tried pushing, they even tried subtly suggesting. But no matter what, their friend refused to say.

They were almost ready to give up. Until it happened again.

Daniel found Stephen on the floor of his room, with muscles trembling and breath stuttering. The rain pounded outside harshly onto the closed window, and the younger's breath seemed to meander even more at the sound of it.

Nothing appeared broken and no noise had called Daniel over to the room in curiosity. Hosuh had asked Daniel to check on their friend after not seeing him for most of the day. And he had been led to this.

Feeling Hosuh's gazed on the back of his head, he craned his neck to look at them despairingly. He tilted his head towards Stephens door in a 'come-here' gesture, and watched as the oldest's face morphed into a heavy frown.

They entered the room together carefully, as to not overwhelm their friend any further. Daniel got their first, dropping down behind the others trembling form and pulling him gently backwards to lean again him. Hosuh circled round to Stephen's face. A sick feeling of dejavu fell over him as he drew their chin up to look upon red eyes still leaking unending tears.

Despite the situation, the older gave his friend a small smile before hugging him tight. But unlike last time, Stephen didn't move, instead his pupils shrank for a moment in seeming alarm. He looked hesitant and unbalanced, like he was unsure which way to lean.

Daniel noticed his hesitance, and pulled him closer an inch. He flinched inwards at the touch, curling more into himself than Hosuh. His breathing sped up.

"Woah woah, you're okay" Hosuh spouted, rushed and worried. He held a hand up an inch away from Stephen's red cheeks , letting his friend do the work.

"Just focus on breathing okay? Me and Daniel are right here to help." And sure enough the younger pushed his face into their hand, trusting as warm tears slid over it.

Daniel very gently rubbed some warmth into Stephen's shivering arms, and drew simple shapes onto his back to focus on.

Slowly, they brought down his breathing. He breathed in and out heavily, focused entirely on Hosuh's exaggerated breathing and the comfort of Daniel's finger tracing up and down his back. After 10 minutes or so, the man had finally calmed down enough to sigh with exhaustion, slouching backwards onto his older friend.

"You okay?" Hosuh said softly, his hand placed on Stephen's arm, which still trembled in place.
"Uhuh." He muttered, leaning his cheek against Daniel's clavicle.

The older looked at them pensively. It was Daniel however who spoke up.
"What happened?" He asked as politely as he could, "it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it, but I feel like we should know."

Stephen blinked up at their chin, before sitting up with his head lifted.
"It doesn't matter."
He shook his head, "It's doesn't matter. It can't be helped."
"We're helping now." Daniel smiled, but lost it a moment later, "aren't we?"

Stephen's eyes widened, watered ever so slightly and drifted down to his lap.

"Stephen." He looked up at the eldest, and they smiled.
"We want to help you, please tell us?"

He swallowed, sighing while he fiddled with his fingers. He didn't look up at them when he spoke.
"So um, I have anxiety." He paused to take a breath, and both his friends sat a little closer.

"It's, not that bad, but sometimes it's a little overwhelming. Like it makes you feel sick and dizzy and stuff, and sort of like you can't breath? I don't know.."  His voice got quieter and quieter as he went on, but ended up in a sandwich between his two best friends.

"I'm sorry we didn't notice." Daniel said softly, a little saddened.
Hosuh nodded, "but we'll help now, we promise. Just come to us if you're anxious okay?"

Stephen looked like he wanted to protest a bit, but just huffed with a playful smirk.
"Yeah yeah ok, can you let go of me now? All this mushy stuff is killing my image."

They smiled, there was their Stephen.
Just to clarify, Stephen had an anxiety attack, and Crying part 1 was the aftermath of one. I'm fortunate enough to of never had one, but please do tell me if this is inaccurate. I don't want to downplay anything anyone's going through. Love you all :)

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