Hosuh X Reader

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This was written by a guest writer, shippingfreak_storys . Thank you so much to them for helping me out with this requests, and I hope you all enjoy their style!
You're laying helplessly in you and your boyfriends bed. At this point you wish for nothing more than for this stupid fever to disappear, you've already slept half the day away. A whole week has passed and you've only been able to switch between the bed and the couch, slipping in and out of a restless sleep letting your boyfriend take care of you.

Hosuh came trotting into the room just then, a loving smile bracketing worried eyes plastered on his face. Seeing him immediately made you feel better.

"How is my brave fighter holding up?" He teased, stepping closer your bundled up form. You see a bowl of soup balanced on a tray in his hands. He sat down on the edge of the bed, placing the tray on the table next to the bed.

"I'm okay, just exhausted." You answered, punctuated with a sweet smile. Hosuh lifted his hand to place it on your forehead. After a moment he looked at you with an encouraging smile, drawing his hand back to place on you cheek, stroking lovingly over it with his thumb. You closed your eyes and leaned into the touch with an exasperated sigh.

"You up to drinking some soup? It will be good for you." He muttered. You tiredly sat up and took a little sip. You hummed in satisfaction at the taste. Though you didn't expect any less.

"When did you start to cook it?" You asked with the spoon still on your tongue. You hadn't seen him make it being confined to the bed or couch all week.

"I started yesterday in the evening to have it ready for today, is it good?" You nodded your head as an answer. A little giggle left his mouth, watching you happily eat the soup. You finished it at record speed and collapsed back into the pillows.

"Do you want to cuddle?" Hosuh asked in a sweet voice.
"You know very well I want to, but I don't wanna get you sick as well." You sigh, looking up at him.

Hosuh just shrugged, saying "and you know very well that I don't care about that."

Hosuh lifted the blankets and tucked himself in next to you, putting one arm around your head and the other around your waist despite your protests.

"Hosuh I don't want you to get sick." You tried one last time to convince your boyfriend that this wasn't a good idea. But he just ignored you.
"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you when you are sick next week." You tutted. He just grinned, giving you a chaste kiss on your forehead.

You snuggled into the covers, cuddling and basking in each other. After a while Hosuh asked, "do you want to watch a movie? We could watch a Disney movie? Or an anime if you want."

You thought about it for a minute. You didn't really do anything today. You were mainly on Twitter or sleeping. So, why not?

"Sure, let's watch something." You leaned up to get out of bed. But before you could take a step, you collapsed inwards on your legs and leaned onto Hosuh for stability.

"You ok?" He soothed, an arm wrapped around you. You nodded and he helped you start walking to the couch. As you got into the living room, Hosuh shifted to your other side to help you sit down.

After you sat down, Hosuh looked down at you, an adorable smile on his face.
"You're doing great, baby." He leaned down to give you a sweet kiss. You leaned into it, but Hosuh already had turned away to pick out a movie for you two to watch. You pouted a bit. Even though Hosuh couldn't see it.

You both spent the rest of the day snuggling on the couch, watching anime and drifting into sleep again, while laying in your boyfriends arms.
English isn't their first language, and while I did correct a few misspellings I hope you all understand how much work they put into this. Thank you so much again! and thank you all for reading :)

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