Switch pt 2

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Here it is! Enjoy :)
Blinking slowly, Daniel lifted his head off the ground in a confused daze. His eyes drifted hazily before landing on Stephen.

And then he was up.

Drowsiness forgotten he turned over Stephens body and looked for any bad signs. The younger was breathing fine, and his face was relaxed. He almost looked asleep.

Turning his head around to Hosuh, he expected the same, only to see bright eyes staring at him.

"Hosuh!" Dan jumped, crawling towards his other friend. They sat up slowly and easily, though their eyes looked a little sharper than normal.

"What happened?" They asked, but paused in surprise. He looked down over himself then at Stephen across the room, before gaping.
"What happened?!"

Daniel stared concerned, not noticing Stephen behind him begin to stir.
"Hosuh? You okay?" He raised his hand to the others forehead before continuing; finding no fever, "you seem off"

Hosuh scoffed, "I'm Hosuh, Daniel, do you think I'm fine?!" The man waved his arms about frantically, as if using them would further establish his point.

"Who's What?"
Both of them turned around to see Stephen sitting up, his hand on his head and his face strangely innocent. They both looked on in horror.

"What?" He questioned, then looked down at himself. Instantly he gasped, looking back up to stare at his own body in utter disbelief.

Daniel stared at their faces, confused and a little panicked at seeing is friends looking so different but the same.

"What happened?!" Hosuh yelled with an almost frightened tone.
"Like hell I know!" Yelled Stephen, but from Hosuh's mouth. It sounded scarily odd.

Dan sat still, like someone flicked an off switch on him suddenly; watching his friends interact was almost amusing after the shock had dissipated.

"It's alright guys! Maybe we can fix this?" His sentence came out more as a question, which clearly wasn't the right tone,
"And how do you think we're gonna do that, huh Daniel?" Hosuh spoke sarcastically, glaring at the other and making him frown.

"Stop doing that," Stephen said with a frown of his own, "it looks weird on my face"

Hosuh relented his glare, but still huffed irritably.
"And you think it isn't weird with you in my body?"

Daniel couldn't help but laugh aloud, attempting to stand up. He stumbled for a second and put a hand on Hosuh's shoulder for balance, but otherwise stayed upright.

"Alright!" He said a trifle enthusiastically, "let's go find that damn potion!"

The male stomped forward towards the door, still locked and silent from when they had passed out. He swung it open grandly to find the green fog to be gone, and the glass bottle shattered where they left it on the floor.

Hosuh walked towards it, his demeanour of completely different nature; sloughed and annoyed, picking up the glass container with a huff.
"I swear I'm never going near glass bottles on the street ever again" he tutted.

"Good idea" was Stephens reply, short and spoken with an air of politeness, "we might need to bleach the house too, I don't want to breathe it in again"

Daniel, feeling a little devious, walked closer to his friends with a smile. He scanned their faces roguishly.
"Sooo~" he hummed, watching gaily as they tensed, "you have different bodies now, which means you have each other's weaknesses"

He grinned before they could reply and dug his fingers into Hosuh's sides like a wiggling snake.

Stephen watched from the sides giggling (the noise a surprise to Hosuh), proud he wasn't being attacked. He spoke to soon however,
"Oh I'm not letting you off the hook Hosuh!" He laughed, grabbing their arm and blowing into their ear mischievously. They squirmed with laughter.

And if at some point they swapped back during all the stumbling and giggling and cackling, no one was to notice until they were out of breathe smiling.
I really am so sorry you all had to wait so long! Hopefully this was a good chapter, I didn't really know how to end it ^_^;

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