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This was suggested by FanificBee . To make up for how long you've all waited I've decided to make this an extra long one :) it was really fun to write XD
"What is it?"
"Dunno, I found it outside"
"Do you know how stupid that is?!"

The three boys were looking at a small glass bottle, sitting on their living room table with a green substance swirling inside. It seemed almost alive just sitting there.

Stephen had found it outside their apartment, discarded on the pavement with nothing else in sight. It was probably one of the weirdest things he'd ever seen.

So obviously he picked it up to show the others.

"Soooo," the younger began, watching as the other two eyes him suspiciously, "should we drink it?"

Daniel looked at him like he was a two headed dragon,
"Are you nuts?! We are not drinking it!"
"I agree, what if it's poisonous or drugged?"
"Chill, I was just joking" Stephen pouted.

"Let's just chuck it away" Daniel said, picking up the glass with delicate fingers. He twirled around on his foot and walked towards the bin, only to trip over the side of the sofa, smashing the bottle onto the floor.

Startled, he recoiled backwards, grabbing onto Hosuh and Stephens arms and pulling them backwards with him. They looked on in horror as colourful smoke spread in front of them.
"You idiot"

Hosuh coughed a little as the smoke kept spreading, accidentally in hailing some of it. He grabbed onto Stephens back and pulled him closer, noticing the man was in front of him and therefore closer to the fog of green.

It was too late however; Daniel and Hosuh dragging the other with more urgency when he began to choke. They ran into the bedrooms, closing the door in front of them and trying to breathe.

Daniel was helping Stephen noticing he was having a bit of trouble.
"Are you ok?" He rasped horsely, watching with worry as the younger slowed down his gasps.

"Uh huh," he murmured, "you?" He actresses them both when Hosuh sat down in front of them.

"I'm okay, you both breathed in more than I did" Daniel turned his worried eyes to Hosuh, his friends face still a little red and strained from the harsh coughing.

He startled slightly at the weight on his side.
"Stephen are you sure you're okay?" He questioned with a hint of panic, watching as the other leaned further and further into him with a slight wheeze in his breath.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy" he made no move to sit up though, if anything gripping onto Daniels arm underneath him for more stability. Daniel turned his eyes to Hosuh, seeing a similar problem of with a little less severity.

"Hosuh? You good?"
The other blinked, "yeah yeah I'm good. I little woozy but fine" he chuckled slightly as the green heads lifted eyebrow. "I promise"

Daniel sighed, grabbing onto Stephen hazily when the others breath hitched.
"I'm fine, just give me a minute"
"Stephen look at me"

Stephen lifted his head to look at Hosuh, only to panic them when his eyes unfocused and he leaned heavier on Daniel.
"Hey Stephen!"

The other closed their eyes and breathed for a minute. He opened them slowly,
"I'm okay"
"Not you're not!"

Daniel watched as Hosuh grew more and more agitated, staring as they began to sway too.
"Guys I think you both need to lie down"

He grabbed Stephen by the waist and arm, pulling him upwards as slowly as he could. The other trembled under the effort but otherwise stayed upright.

Hosuh stumbled slightly in front of him, Daniel forgoing the arm on Stephen waist to grab onto him. He flashed a quick smile and shuffled towards the bed just couple steps away.

One step however was all it took. Daniel's vision swam for a few seconds, giving him no time to react when Hosuh stumbled into his back and Stephen's knees buckled with a quiet gasp.

Trying to get his bearings again, Daniel grabbed onto Stephen watching in a daze as his friend fell unconscious. Hosuh fell into his back and dragged him down along with him to the ground in a mess.

"Is Stephen okay?" Hosuh whispered.
"I don't, everything's fuzzy" Daniel felt dizziness start to take him over aswell, barely hearing the soft thunk of Hosuh's body hitting the floor behind him before the world went black.
I'm actually gonna have to make this one a two parter. But I'm in such an inspirational streak it'll honestly be out a little after this one :)

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