Incorrect Quotes Dos

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Some more of these!! Requested by pretty much all of you that read the last one. I really hope you all crack a few laughs :)
Daniel: And what have we learnt Stephen?
Stephen: If I want to kill you I'll need a sharper knife.
Daniel: Ye- wait, No-

Daniel: To the right!
Hosuh: What? I thought it was up?
Jay: Same difference. Just go for it!
Ann: Wait there's something up there!
Hosuh: Oh then maybe it's not up?
Stephen: *slams down controller* for f**ks sake we're never gonna finish this f**king Zelda temple.

Daniel: Hey, Stephen.
Stephen: What
Daniel: *sings* Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Stephen: SpongeBob squarepa-
Daniel: Gary.

Jay: Why are you late?
Hosuh: Okay so there was this old lady that fell over-
Jay: Why did you help her?
Hosuh: and I- wait what?
Jay: She's no help to you, so why did you help her?
Hosuh: (°_°)

Stephen: *sitting on the sofa*
Daniel: Stephen for gods sake do something productive.
Stephen: *Casually slips on a pair of Dust mop slippers*

Stephen: Happy birthday Hosuh!
Daniel: Happy birthday Hosuh!
Hosuh: *in bed* why are you here at 3am?
Stephen: It's morning somewhere.

Hosuh: Hey look! Here's a good house!
Daniel: What about that one? It's a little smaller but it's cheaper.
Stephen: Why do we have to look for houses again?
Hosuh: Because we need a place to live?
Stephen: *Points to neighbours house* that one will do.
Daniel: But people already live- wait Stephen what ar- PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!

Ann: You like cheesecake at all?
Hosuh: I like cheesecake.
Daniel: Same, real late at ni-
Stephen: If you finish that sentence I will turn your spinal cord into my new bed frame.

Stephen: Pfft, you don't scare me. Demigorgans come at me.
Hosuh: Look it's a butterfly!
Stephen: Hello there, angel of my nightmar-

Stephen: I'm pretty sure my soulmate is a packet of Doridos.
Daniel: Bruh what are you talking about I just ate the whole packet.
Stephen: You... That was the love of my life you monster.

Daniel: Hey do you think I could fit 10 marshmallows in my mouth?
Hosuh: You're a hazard to society.
Stephen: And a coward; do 20.

Daniel: Why is Hosuh upset with you?
Stephen: He sneezed earlier and I accidentally said "shut the f**k up" instead of "Bless you."
Daniel: How do you accidentally say "shut the f**k up?!

Daniel: Hosuh please no.
Hosuh: I'm sorry, I have to
Stephen: Why would you do this?!
Daniel: After all we've been through together?
Hosuh: I'm sorry...
Hosuh: *Places a 4+ card*
Hosuh: Uno.

Stephen: Who the f**k ate my trifle?!
Daniel: actually it's whomst ate my trifle-
Stephen: Get out.
To make up for all the lost time :) I really hope this is funny, I made up quite a few of these so hopefully my sense of humor isn't garbage ^_^;

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