Aim Hosuh

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I thought long and hard about their powers, and just ended up picking random ones. Stephen was very close to having Nitikinesis :)
It was a Saturday afternoon like any other. The sun beaming behind clouds of a calming grey, people casually strolling around a peaceful looking park. A soft, cool breeze just chilly enough to turn your nose pink. Filled with relaxation and comfort or no work nor school to endure.

Yes, an ordinary such as this, where Stephen was nearly blinded by a pound land bouncy ball.

"For gods sake watch what you're doing with that thing Hosuh!" He yelled, ducking behind an irritated looking Daniel.

The man in question was very carefully lifting several objects into the air, covering them in a yellow looking aura. He shot one forward, a finished rubix cube, straight past a painted red circle on a tree and flying into Stephens shoulder.

"Ow! Where are you even aiming?!" The youngest screamed again, shifting further behind his other friend without straying out of view.
"Uh, the target?" Hosuh said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Stephen just tutted,
"At this point, I barely believe you."

Daniel sighed, scrolling through tweets on his phone.
"If you keep arguing we're never gonna get anything done." He rolled his eyes and leaned down to grab a cheap frisbee off the floor.

"Here," he tossed it to Hosuh, letting them do the work and stop it mid air,
"Use something thinner." The oldest just frowned.
"Why can't you teach me how to control it?" He pouted at them, crossing his arms.

"Because I can't literally lift objects off the ground like its nothing." Daniel laughed.
"Yes you can!" Was the reply, "you can change the force and stuff."

The younger was about to argue, until Stephen jumped in and punched him on the arm.
"I thought you said we wasn't aloud to argue? Come on Hosuh, throw the frisbee already."

The oldest chuckled darkly, lifting the frisbee and muttering to himself in annoying.
"Says the guy with dog senses." He muttered, before shooting the toy forward. It swept round to the others, and Daniel couldnt help but laugh when their youngest yelped. The green haired man turned to look at the frisbee for a moment, for it to abruptly stop and drop to the floor.

Stephen just growled, stomping towards Hosuh.
"I heard that you bit-!"
"What? I can't hear you over that squealing sound."
"You think we don't have a kitchen knife somewhere in that house?!"

Despite himself, Daniel ended up giggling at them. He walked closer with the frisbee in his hand.
"He could probably beat you in a fight now Stephen." He grinned, bringing an arm up and around their shoulders.

"Not with stealth he can't." They smirked, and tapped his ear with his ring finger.
"Well duh, no one can beat you in stealth." Hosuh laughed.
"Damn right-" Stephen began, only to be silenced by a flying frisbee to the face.

"But I can still beat you up if you stab me." The oldest smiled mischievously, and ran quickly into the house before Stephen could catch him.

"Get back hear you disrespectful ass!" He screamed, leaving Daniel to bend over laughing in the yard.
I wonder if any of you can figure out the names of the kinesis I gave each of the guys? :)
Oh and fun fact, I found a Sonic fanfic that reminded me of this. Imma just let that sit with y'all.

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