Without Thought

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This was requested by Pigpower13 . I'm sorry you all had to wait so long for this. Enjoy!
Stephen was ever so slowly loosing his patience. Ever, ever so slowly.

A certain green haired friend had been teasing him all week. Non stop innuendos and hints and playful but awfully annoying bouts of banter that left Stephen grinding his teeth over his nails in aggravation.

What the teasing was about, would be Stephen not so small crush on Hosuh.

Daniel had found out accidentally. He had walked in to Stephens room unannounced one evening to ask him for help in the other room; the door being left ajar with a lamp still lit inside. What he found however was his friend asleep, holding an open book scattered on its pages with hearts and tiny messages. All surrounding a picture of Hosuh.

It confused Daniel at first to find something so girlish in his friends possession. But after subtly leaning over to read a few snippets of writing, he finally came to understand his friend had a crush; a big one.

Stephen now deeply regrets leaving his door open. Nay, he regrets making that stupid heart filled page in the first place.

The purple haired man had had enough. Constantly being on the edge of panicking, never knowing if Daniel would eventually spill the beans- it had to stop.

"Daniel, we need to talk."
His friend was sat lounging on the sofa, a remote it his hand as he channel surfed. The male looked up at him with a smirk.

"Why? Do you some help with something?" He chuckled to himself at his own inner joke.

Stephen fumed, "I need you to stop with the Hosuh teasing," he spoke slowly with almost palpable irritation, "it's pissing me off."

Daniel had the nerve to laugh at him.
"Oh come on Stephen lighten up! I'm not gonna spill your little secret, I'm just having a little fun is all." He smiled roguishly.

And with that, the last of Stephen's patience snapped like a twig.

"I'm fed up with you!" He yelled with an accusing finger, stomping into front on the other and staring him down with fire filled eyes. Daniel jumped a little.

"I know you think this is a joke, but do you know how annoying it is?! I constantly have to worry about you making too obvious of a joke for Hosuh not to notice, and then make myself more panicked by looking suspicious!"

For a while, Daniel sat with nervous eyes at his explosive friend, but tensed up at something over his shoulder.
"Ur Stephen-"

"No you listen to me for once!" The other went on, "just because I have a massive crush doesn't give you a right to joke about it!"

"Stephen really you should-"

"I know Hosuh's our best friend and yeah it's awkward but I didn't even tell you so why should I put up with you going around-"

"Stephen stop-"
"Practically telling everyone I like him!"

The green haired man opened his mouth, but was silenced by the sound of a plastic bag falling onto the floor.

And there stood Hosuh, his mouth ajar and hands now empty after letting the shopping slip from them out of shock. He looked at Stephen with wide, unreadable eyes.

Dan chose the wise move of standing up then, and very quietly excusing himself from the room. A quick glance from the older left a warning of a mother, one that read he would have a conversation later. He left with scrabbling feet and apologetic eyes.

An awkward silence past them, Stephen too shocked to move. Hosuh broke the silence when he realised the other wasn't going to explain himself.
"What did you say?" He asked slowly, afraid he misheard.

Stephen's eyes lit up; he grinned nervously.
"Nothing! I was just having an argument with Daniel."
"About what?"
"About er how he was snooping in my room! It was starting to annoy me."

Hosuh deflated a little, his eyes loosing some of their colour. He almost looked saddened.
"Are you sure?" He asked one last time.
As if picking at straws, he added an offhand comment, "you're bad at lying Stephen."

Stephen froze, and sighed in defeat.
"Okay. Okay so..."

Hosuh looked up, his shoulders rising at the motion as he sucked in some air.
"I, ur, me and Daniel where talking about this thing..."
"About how I like you?"

The younger stood there with his eyes closed, scared to look at the silence. He didn't see Hosuh's eyes widen and his mouth keep into a overwhelmed but gleeful grin.

He drifted closer to the other, his feet skirting the carpet til he stood in front of Stephen with a smaller but just as happy smile.
"Stephen," he said gently, watching his eyes open, "I like you too you dumbass, you should of said something earlier."

"Well then you should of said something earlier. I'm not doing all the work for you." The snappiness of the reply left Hosuh laughing joyfully in his relieved but smiling face.
I'm sorry again for the wait everyone. I don't really have a good enough reason for my absence, so I hope an apology will help a little. This ending is incredibly rushed, and I pray that the next one will be better for all of you.

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