Stubborn illness

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Thank you all so much for waiting! I loose track of who requests these, so I'm going to leave them out. I sincerely apologise, but I hope you know who you are and you're welcome to tag yourselves :)
Hosuh was absolutely sure, almost to an objective degree, that Stephen wasn't well.

He had been fine at first, but the older slowly started to notice the little things. Like how he would stand still for several seconds at a time with a dazed look, or how he would subtly massage his temple when he thought no one was looking. He even started to shiver at random intervals during the day.

It had become more and more obvious over the space of a week, to the point where he refused to ignore the problem anymore. Daniel was inclined to agree, when he saw Stephen not minutes before stumble into a wall like a drunk man with a broken leg.

"Stephen." Daniel blanked.
"What?" The younger snapped irritably, rubbing his nose from where he bumped into the wall.
"Maybe you should sit down?"

"Wha?" They growled, snapping their head up far too quickly and balancing themselves on the wall, "I don't need to sit down I just hit my nose."

"I don't think that's what he meant Stephen." Hosuh called, coming to stand next to Daniel with scrunched up aspiration on his face.
"You don't look well, if you sit down I can make you a tea."
"And I can give you a massage or something!"

Stephen tutted at them, like speaking to children who didn't understand.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I feel fine." He stood up slightly straighter as he attempted to walk away, but ended up leaning into the wall once again.

A sigh escaped Daniels mouth, and he reached over to hold his friend up by their bicep.
"Stephen." he exclaimed as he watched the other stumble.
"I'm fine Daniel what are you-"
"Stephen you're sick."

The younger refused to listen, growling and snatching his arm away from his friends grip. In his efforts, he grew dizzy, and swayed on the spot.

Hosuh caught him before he could fall, swiftly putting a hand to his forehead.
"That's definantly a fever."
"Damn you Hosuh." Stephen replied sharply, although he had lost all his previous aggressiveness.

The older two slowly guided him to the sofa, plopping him down onto the cushions and covering him with a fluffy beige throw discarded on the arm. His eyes drifted closed when Daniel kneaded calloused hands into his aching shoulders, and he let out a quiet sniffle.

Hosuh brought in a tea a few minutes later, placing it in Stephens hands, close enough for the purple head to smell the honey and mint exuding off it.

He seemed completely obedient for mere moments, until Hosuh sat next to him.

He shot up like a frightened rabbit, squirming away from both of them until he almost fell off the sofa and split tea everywhere.
"Stephen what-" Daniel began, but was interrupted.
"No, I'm gonna get you both sick..." The youngest muttered, his argument not saying much while Hosuh was gently dragging him back onto the sofa.

Daniel laughed a little from behind them, smiling with endearment shining in his eyes as he watch his sick friend collapse against Hosuh's chest.

"Don't worry about that," he chuckled, drifting round the couch to sit on the other side of Stephen and taking the tea out of his pliant fingers, "just get some rest."

He shivered in between them, relishing in their warmth as Daniel soothed the winkles out of his forehead and Hosuh held him in his arms.

Comfortable and far too tired to think about anything else, he drifted off without a word.
Just as a quick notice, could everyone put any requests they've ever made in the comments of the 'requests open!' chapter. That ways I won't forget any of you and it'll be so much easier to find, thanks so much :)

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