Hosuh's Sketch

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This was recommended by one of my friends, Hogwartsgirl2004 . I was stuck on ideas an she brought this up when I explains the fandom to her. Go check her out!
Hosuh sat cross legged on the carpet of Daniel's living room, twirling a pencil around his fingers as he watched the other two play around.

The three of them had decided on a movie night round Daniel's earlier that day, and we're currently all piled up near the couch watching a mediocre movie. Dan and Stephen sat on the small sofa, their limbs a tangled mess as they fought over the popcorn.

Hosuh sat on the floor just below them, leaning gently into Stephen's shin. His focus was more on the other two however rather than the cliché action film on the tv ahead of him.

He brought his sketchbook with him out of instinct, and thought he could get some inspiration as he watched the movie. His two best friends always seemed to become his inspiration instead though, so maybe that was the real reason.

Regardless, he couldn't help but start to draw their position from where he sat, his head having to tilt up awkwardly to see them sometimes. They both seemed completely oblivious to the sound of the pencil moving across the page.

That was, until they heard a quite hum of approval from Hosuh, and both of them leaned over to see his sketchbook.

"Whatcha got there Hosuh?" Stephen asked, resting his head gently on top of the others as he leaned over at a weird angle. Daniel scooted closer to Stephen to see the sketch for himself.

The both ended up speechless.

Hosuh had drawn them in his usual fashion, but drew them without the fighting and without him in the picture. It was like a scene of a couple cuddling on a winters night. They both couldn't help but blush slightly at it's implications.

"W-wha? Why'd you draw us like that?" Daniel spluttered, and got off the sofa to see the drawing more clearly.

Hosuh just laughed sheepishly.
"I just thought you'd both look cute like that, I don't know."

The purple head ended up giggling quietly and shuffled back in his seat. His leg slowly going numb but not caring. Dan just sighed before laughing along.

"Fair enough, it is a really good drawing." Now it was Hosuh's turn to blush.

They sat back down to watch the rest of the movie, all silently deciding to copy Hosuh's drawing and snuggle up on the couch under a bundle of blankets. Except this time, they pulled Hosuh up to sit wrapped up in the middle of them.

It was a nice cozy evening, though needless to say popcorn still went absolutely everywhere.
I hope you enjoyed this! Don't forget to send in requests!

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