The Prank

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This was requested by Louisxclem78 . I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while, but hopefully this will be a nice one :)
A prank war had started between the three friends.

After the tickle war, Hosuh had set off a chain of pranks from putting mayo in socks to sticking cello tape around doors. It started with Hosuh adding spicy hot chilly pepper to Stephens food- he would still burst out laughing if anyone mentioned the incident- and it sprouted to Daniel, by Stephen sprinkling the whole apartment with glitter that the other insists is still in his carpet.

Now it was Daniels turn, and he planned to make it full circle and prank the cinnamon roll of their little group.

While Hosuh and Stephen were out shopping, Daniel grabbed every hair band he could find and hid them around the house. At first he wanted to be nice, so he gently placed one on the coffee table. But he was getting bored, so he found all the worst hiding spots that he knew they'd never even consider.

Just as he placed the last one, just out of reach on top of the cupboards, he heard keys rattle as the slot into the front door.
"We're home!"
"Yo Dan where you at?!"

Daniel practically slid into the room, his stance welcoming as he stood in front of the other two. Stephen raised an eyebrow at the others bright beam.

"What's got you so excited?"
Daniel blinked innocently, "What do you mean?"

Hosuh watched them both from the side of his eyes, pacing himself towards the kitchen and placing the shopping bags on the counter.

Still hearing the others friendly arguing in the corridor he turned back to the shopping, opening the plastic bag and pulling out a few tins to put in the cupboard. He reached up, only to pause mid way.

Stephen was eyeing up Daniel still, watching as light spread out from his smile as he walked to sit on the sofa. That was, until Hosuh walked in, his face a strange mix of confusion, amusement, and frustration.

"Daniel", he spoke gently. The other turned around a little too quickly.
"Why is there one of my hair bands on top of the cupboard?"

Stephen suddenly caught on, a let out a giggle watching Daniels face get a little more strained all of a sudden.
"What? How did that get up there?"

Hosuh stared, deadpanned.
"How many did you hide"
"All of them" Daniel replied without hesitation, and Stephen broke down laughing.

Daniel spent the rest of the afternoon pointing out all the hair bands he hid, while Stephen laughed on the sofa with a coffee in his hand like a mafia boss.

Lesson learned, think of better pranks.
I'm really sorry this took so long to come out, I lost my spout of creativity and no matter what I did I couldn't get it back :(
With a little hope chapters will be coming out more frequently :)

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