Laughter ensues

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This was suggested a long time ago, and honestly I should of written it sooner. My bad y'all.
For what it was worth, Hosuh still hadn't forgot what had transpired that night. The pain, the mutiny, the utter betrayal of it all. It had stayed stored in the files of his mind, ready for revenge.

And so here he stood, at the foot of his youngest friends bed, a sly smirk creeping its way onto his face. And a feather duster held firmly in his grip.

Dan had found out about his plan just that evening, not more than an hour ago, as he watched them patiently wait for Stephen to clunk out for the night before rushing into their kitchen to snatch up a feather duster. In fact, Dan now stood in the opening of the door to Stephens room, his arms crossed and his lips pulled up into a bemused smile.

Hosuh had given himself a moment to grin and the man, putting a finger up against his own lips as if the younger was screeching like a banshee. Dan just rolled his eyes.

And with one final deep breath, Hosuh wiggled the feathers of his weapon over Stephens unsuspecting feet just peeking out from the covers. His toes twitched, and after a moment his nose winkled up with annoyance as he curled further up the bed.

Unwavering, Hosuh waved the feathers around more vigorously, sliding them around the younger's toes and up towards the dip of his ankle bone.

He bit his lip when Stephen whined, mumbling incoherently and batting an invisible force away in front of him. Dan let out a small chuckle, stepping forward and bringing his hands up to wiggling his fingers along the curve of Stephen collarbone.

A bust of incomprehensible giggles flew out of Stephens mouth, prompting Hosuh to abonden the feather duster and scramble his fingers up the side of the younger's hips. The giggles bubbled into chortles and howls, Stephens eyes opening for just a moment.

"Wa-huh?" He sputtered, his eyes focusing on Dan's before he tried pushing him away. They retaliated by sliding their fingers up to Stephens jawline and watching their shoulders tense up around his hand.

Hosuh dug his finger further into their sides, moving his hands up and over the others ribs. It rendered them completely immobile.

"Stop!" He cried with laughter, writhing when they refused to let go.
"Stop It!"

Hosuh answered by dipping his fingers quickly over the curves of their ribs, making them squeal.

"This is revenge!" He laughed along with a frivolous tint to his voice, dipping his head forward over the man.
"Now say 'Hosuh is the greatest!' And I'll let you go!"

Full on cackling now, Stephen looked up at them teasingly,
"Never!!" He yelled over his own guffawing, squirming away enough to reach for Dan's sensitive neck and brush his wrist over it. The motion brought them both to the floor, Hosuh following.

In an act of brilliance, the oldest reached over and stuck his hands into Stephens armpits. They fell into pieces on the carpet, useless to the attack.
"Fine! I give! I give!" He writhed away as much as he could, Hosuh just moving with him.

"Say it!" He snickered.
"Hosuh is the greatest!"

He let go of his friends arms, not being able to stop the laugh that stemmed from their glare.

"Learned your lesson?" He sniggered, Stephen glowered back up at him.

"I'll get you back for that." He said, sitting up suddenly on top of Dan's arm and reaching out to catch Hosuh's neck with his fingers. They squeaked in surprise.

"What? No this was supposed to be revenge!" He cried, trying to hold back his giggles. Stephen smirked playfully, pulling Dan forward to help him.

"Who's side are you on you traitor!" Hosuh laughed and pointed an accusing finger at Dan's giddy face.

"The fun one." He chuckled back, helping Stephen enact his own revenge plot as the younger cackled.
This ended up all over the place, as has my schedule as of late. This epidemic has really thrown me off to the point where I don't even know if it's Wednesday or if my phone is actually a mini version of the DeLorean.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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