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Another short for you guys! Please please don't forget to tell me what you would like to see!
Daniel liked to play with Hosuh and Stephens' hair.

Everyone who knew the trio knew this, since none of them made an effort to hide it at all. Daniel found it relaxing, and the other two never seemed to mind.

It was a mystery as to why Daniel only plays with his two best friends hair however; never anyone else's. Most people assume it's because he's more comfortable around them both rather than others.

And while that would be true, the three of them never mentioned the true reason.

Every time they hung out indoors, away from prying eyes, they would usually end up with Daniel stroking Hosuh or Stephen's hair while the other was usually be manhandled into another's lap. Their position being in a line with Dan at the back cocooning them both with his legs spread around them.

And while it seemed relaxing for Daniel it was actually incredibly relaxing for the other two as well. And more often then not the three of them would all fall asleep in a huddle.

Of course, each night was ever so slightly different.

Like for example, who had the luxury of Dan's fingers untangling their manes. Or who got to sit in a comfortable lap of another. Or even who fell asleep last getting to witness the others dose off quietly.

Tonight in particular, Stephen was having his hair combed through, and Hosuh sat back in his lap asleep to the slow circles being rubbed into his spine. Daniel was also asleep with his head leaned forward and his nose ruffled in Stephens purple hair. With Stephen being the only one barely awake, he thought only sensory.

The hot breath from Dan breathing into his scalp gentle making him shiver, and the weight of Hosuh leaning into his chest leaving a warm feeling inside him.

The best part about being the last to fall asleep was the chance to take in the others presence, and slowly be engulfed by it. The purple haired male did just that, his limbs going weak as he folded smaller into their touches. They all slept peacefully.

So while to others it may seem mundane, considering how many times Dan has stood behind the two of them and teased with the curls in their hair, it was actually something more than that. And while subtle something the three of them wouldn't be the same without.
This, was a bad one. I'm so sorry everyone. With not many ideas I'm slowly down and loosing quality, so don't forget to give suggestions and hopefully bare with me :)

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