Alien AU - teaser

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This is just a small teaser of the alien AU story you asked for. I can't wait to show it to you all, but it's not done just yet. Hopefully this is okay for now :)
"What are you?", Hosuh almost rolled his eyes at Stephens bluntness.
Looking slightly offended and a little hesitant the man answered,
"I am a Peromyscus eremicus, but a believe your people call me an alien"

"I presume your joking" Stephen replied.
"What's a joke?" The alien deadpanned.

Hosuh, meanwhile, had long separated from his friends side, and drew attention to himself by the sound of an opening cupboard.

He turned, "you're here for food right? Assuming you don't want to eat us, I'm sure we have something that you would like". The alien beamed in a way that made it quite literally glow.

Stephen stood to the side as his lips drew into a tense line. He strayed ever closer to Hosuh in hopes of protecting him.

"What about some eggs on toast? Or maybe you'd like something more filling?"
The alien stood with its hands to its sides as he pondered.
"Perhaps you should pick, human"

Humming in a way that perturbed Stephen slightly, Hosuh took out the eggs and grabbed a few slices of bread. He got to work hastily leaving his younger friend to try and interact with their new guest.

"Why are you here?" Stephen said, his sense of suspicion somehow blocking out any caution in his wording.

The alien turned to him blankly, its loud green eyes staring unnervingly.
"I was left on this planet, I do not wish to return home." Like a robot, it stood still and unmoving.

"You could always stay hear" Hosuh smiled a little too kindly. Stephen looked appalled.
"Excuse us for a moment" he said sweetly, then abruptly dragged Hosuh into the other room.
I'm fully dedicating myself to this au as of late, and I'm determined to finish it on schedule for once so you all can enjoy it. Please keep sending in your kind messages and request, they really keep me going :)

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