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This idea came to me after Stan Lee died. I hope he had a nice life :) I also hope you all like this story, thank you so much for all the views.
Not very surprisingly, the boys didn't cry very much.

I suppose you could call it a man thing, none of them really cried a what they deem trivial things. The smallest thing one of them has cried at is probably the time Dan rammed his toes into the coffee table.

But of course like everyone else they have their moments. Despite that though, it wasn't any less of a shock when Dan and Hosuh walked into Stephens apartment to find him sobbing in his sofa cushions.

Dropping everything they rushed towards their friend, crouching down and slowly pulling at his arms to see his face. Ice struck their hearts.

Stephens eyes were bloodshot and puffy, his mouth pulled into an unwelcome frown. His cheeks were flushed a light pink from the cushion being pressed into it, and his hair sat in disarray over his eyelids.

"Stephen," Dan said with a softness only reserved for his two best friends, "what happened?" Hosuh was swiping his tears away as they continued to fall; smoothing his cheek.

Stephen shook his head vigorously as he hiccuped and sobbed. Not wanting to speak he delicately held one of Hosuh's fingers in his lap, tugging it weakly as a way to ask for reassurance.

Knowing what he meant Hosuh reached forward and enveloped his weeping friend into a warm embrace. Dan stepped back to take in the situation more clearly, and watched as Stephen tightly clutched his fingers into the huggers chest and buried his face into their shoulder with another heart wrenching sob.

Daniel walked off to the kitchen, grabbing the milk from the fridge and making his friend a cup of warm tea. While he was doing that Hosuh hugged tighter and asked a few questions.

"Did something happen Stephen?" He asked softly. Stephen didn't reply.
"Do you want us to stay with you tonight?", and a nod answered.

"Here" a mug of comforting tea was placed under the purple heads nose, and he grabbed it reluctantly, surprising both his friends by sitting in Hosuh's lap rather than separating from him. They looked at each other frowning.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it Stephen?" Daniel asked kindly, it was rare his friend was this touchy feely. But alas, another shake of the head answered him.

Sighing, Hosuh just brought Stephen closer to his lambent warmth.

They stayed together the whole night, Daniel and Hosuh comforting their best friend by being next to him the whole way. Though they never did find out why Stephen was crying they were content knowing he was happy and safe with them there.
This one had a message behind it. I wanted to highlight that you can still help people even if you (or they) don't know what's happening, sometimes being there is enough. I hope for people who are trying to help others this message helped encourage them a little :)

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