Chapter Two: Wanting Him

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The rest of the banquet was kind of a blur. My mind was distracted and I was anxious to get out of there so I could figure out how I was going to see Nate again.
All of the banquet guests were given the choice to rent out rooms at the hotel, which we had, and I hoped and prayed Nate had as well.
As we left the banquet hall and headed towards the elevator, I glanced back and saw Nate at the front desk getting his room key. So he was staying here too. Perfect.
When we got to the room, Brody was talking about how some guys he knew at the banquet had invited him out to the bars tonight. He knew it wasn't my thing, so I let him know I may go out with some of my friends later on as well, and told him he was free to go on his own. He gave me a quick kiss and left.
Now was my chance.
I looked in the mirror. My dress still looked perfect and I just needed to touch up my makeup and hair.
10 minutes later I was ready to go and headed to the front desk to figure out Nate's room number. I knew it wouldn't be easy to get, but luckily I had a fairly revealing dress on my side.
I approached the front desk.
"Hello ma'am, what can I do for you?"
"I'm needing to know the room number of one of your guests."
"Well ma'am that is strictly confidential information as guest's privacy is our top concern."
I leaned forward against the front desk allowing the hard surface to naturally push up my boobs. The dress was low cut enough that I knew the man at the front desk could see plenty.
"I understand, but see, this is super important, and if you'd give me the room number, you'd be doing me a huuuge favor."
His full attention was on my chest and I knew I had him.
"Well alright ma'am, but just this once."
"Fantastic. I need the room number for Nate Danford."
He gave me the room number and I quickly walked to the elevator. My moment of confidence quickly vanished as the nerves set in. I knew what I needed to say to Nate, but I was so scared to say it, scared of how he'd react.
His room was on the 23rd floor, so I had a decent amount of time in the elevator to prepare my words. When I reached his room, I stood there for a few seconds before I gently knocked. I hoped and prayed he hadn't gone out for the night.
Moments later he answered the door. He had taken off his suit jacket and was left in a crisp white button up shirt and black slacks. The man looked divine. A smile of both happiness and surprise spread across his face.
"Chloe, so great to see you, please come in, come in."
I stepped through the door into his suite and stood awkwardly near the center of the room. The room phone rang.
"So sorry, just excuse me a moment, but make yourself comfortable."
I was fine where I was standing, so I didn't move. I looked around the room at the extravagant suite. The bed was a massive king sized bed with a beautiful wooden headboard and footboard. The wall to the left of the bed was lined with floor length mirrors. The lighting was slightly dimmed for relaxation. I turned towards the other half of the suite and noticed a large jacuzzi tub and glass shower.
Nate broke me out of my thoughts as he hung up the phone.
"So sorry about that, just the front desk confirming my stay."
He was now leaning against the footboard on the bed, his hands casually in his pockets.
"Oh, are you staying more than just tonight?"
"Yeah, actually about a week. I'm looking at some homes here."
"You're moving here?"
"Yeah, back home. My parents are here and with my enlistment up it just seemed like the right decision."
I nodded as he continued.
"So enough about me, you obviously came here for something. What is it?"
I was suddenly very, VERY nervous.
"Really I just wanted more time to talk. We hardly had two minutes earlier."
"Yeah, your boyfriend.. Brody is it? He seemed a bit annoyed that I was even looking at you much less talking, so I took the hint and headed back to my table. I'm not one to mess with what belongs to another man."
I let out a laugh.
"I certainly don't BELONG to Brody. We've only been together a couple of months and we honestly don't even have much in common, he's a little too caught up with himself to be my type."
I looked towards the ground as Nate started to walk towards me.
"Then what is your type?"
I looked up and he was within a few feet of me.
"I used to think you were my type. I always thought we had such great chemistry but then I never knew if you felt the same and you never said anything and then—"
Nate cut me off by grabbing me and slamming his lips against mine. His hands on the sides of my face holding me to him. I kissed him back with such passion and longing. He backed up towards the bed and sat down while still kissing me. He grabbed just below my ass and quickly lifted me up so I was straddling him on the edge of the bed.
Our kisses became more urgent and full of need as his tongue slipped in and out of my mouth dancing against mine. I could feel him getting hard under me, and I started to unbutton his shirt. I tugged the bottom of his shirt out of his pants and threw the shirt to the floor. His abs were defined and his arms were so muscular and strong. The military had done him well. He unzipped the back of my dress and pushed my cap sleeves down my arms allowing my dress to slide down to my waist. I was so glad I had worn my nice strapless, black lace bra. He cupped both of my boobs in his hands as he begin to kiss my neck.

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