Chapter Thirty-Five: The Big Reveal

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Another few weeks came and went and life didn't slow down at all. Work had been crazy with all of the kids back in school and getting sick. Nate had been busy at work, too, dealing with training new people who he'd be supervising.
It was finally the weekend and it was time for the big reveal of Nate's house. Everything was done and everything had been moved in over the past week. He had spent a lot of time over there unpacking so that the reveal would be perfect, but I had missed him with the amount of time apart there had been.
I got home from work and packed a small bag for the weekend. Nate wanted me to stay with him in his first few nights in the new house. It was fine with me, because I definitely wasn't ready to sleep without him yet.
Nate wanted to come pick me up, so I waited in the living room. He picked me up about twenty minutes later and blindfolded me before he drove us to the house. I couldn't wait to see how the master suite turned out, and I had a feeling we'd be spending a lot of time in there this weekend.
We got to the house and Nate grabbed my bag and helped me out of the car. He carefully led me up the sidewalk to the porch and unlocked the door. We stepped inside and Nate set my bag down.

"Are you ready?"


Nate untied my blindfold and my jaw dropped as I looked around the room. The living room was full of his furniture now and looked so much more complete. The new mantle he added to the fire place looked amazing as well.
He led me around the house showing me each room. The kitchen was probably my favorite. The granite countertops and the light gray cabinets looked amazing together and the appliances we picked out were going to be so fun to use.
We got to the master suite and he had the door shut. I went to open the door and he grabbed my hand.

"We'll come back to that."

We headed out to the backyard to see the pool. It was finally finished and, due to Nate deciding on a heated pool, it was filled and ready to go. We wouldn't get much use out of it before it got too cold, but it would be nice to enjoy for a few weeks.
Nate took me back inside and we sat on the couch. He looked nervous and I was suddenly worried that he didn't want to show me the master suite.

"So... I have a proposition for you. Well, more of a question, but anyways. Whether you say yes or no is completely up to you and I'll still show you the room either way."

"Ok...? You're scaring me."

"Don't be. I'm hoping this will be a happy moment. Here it goes... I want you to move in with me." I was in too much shock to say anything, so he continued. "I know this is fast, believe me I know that. We've only been together six weeks, but it has been six weeks full of being by your side every single night. Six weeks full of love and fun and learning about each other. I've been absolutely dreading the thought of not sleeping next to you every night. We made this home together and I want to share it with you."

I was quiet for several moments as Nate looked at me begging for an answer. "Can I have a few minutes to think it over? It's just a lot to process."

Nate looked disappointed, but nodded and headed out to the back deck to give me some privacy. My head was spinning. Move in with him? It was so fast. Everything in our relationship had started off fast and then slowed down as we settled back into our normal lives, but now it was speeding up again.
I felt overwhelmed. I was so happy he wanted to share this home with me and I was happy he was ready to move forward, but I was scared, too. I think what scared me most is that I couldn't think of a single reason why I wouldn't want to move in with him.
I rented my home for one which was just a huge pain, this house was closer to my work, and it was an absolute dream house for me. Then there were the obvious reasons like the fact that I, too, had been dreading not sleeping next to him every night. I wanted a life with him. I wanted to be with him always.
I realized I was being absolutely crazy, of course I wanted to move in with him. I quickly got up and headed to the back deck. He had left the door open, so I snuck out and watched him. He looked so concerned. He was sitting there with his hands folded on the table, he was looking out towards the pool, and he looked worried.
I walked closer and took a seat next to him. He hesitantly turned towards me and I grabbed his hands in mine. The look on his face was filled with sadness and pain.

"I've thought about it and I would absolutely love to move in with you."

Nate looked surprised and hesitated as if he was making sure there wasn't a "but" coming. When I didn't add anything to my answer he moved closer and grabbed my hands in his.

"You have no idea how happy this makes me, but are you sure? I didn't mean to scare you, I just can't imagine being without you and—"

I kissed him before he could say anything else. He smiled against my mouth as he pulled me close. I was moving in. That seemed crazy, but I was so excited.

"Now can I see our master suite?"

Nate lit up at the word "our" and quickly led me back in the house towards the master bedroom. He took a deep breath before slowly opening the door to reveal the giant room.
I slowly walked in, completely in awe of how beautiful it was. The blue walls with the tan accent wall looked amazing. A king-sized bed was set against one wall and two dressers sat on the other walls. There was a small nook with windows where he had placed two chairs and a small bookshelf.
I walked over to the closet and turned on the light. He had converted it into a giant walk-in closet with a bench in the middle. His clothes hung on one side and the other was left open for me. I walked back out and slid my hand along the new light blue duvet that was on the bed.

"This is absolutely beautiful, Nate. I can't imagine a better master suite to share with you."

"Just wait until you see the bathroom."

I walked in and couldn't believe the transformation. The new floor tiles were now heated and would be amazing for cold, winter mornings. The double sinks were beautiful with brand new mirrors in front of them. Off to the side was a bench and low counter with a mirror for me to sit and get ready.
Then I walked over to the giant, deep jacuzzi tub. It was even bigger than the one we had shared in the hotel. Next to it was a tall, glass shower with a bench inside, very similar to the one at my house, but much bigger with multiple shower heads.
After I had looked at everything, I walked back over to Nate who was glowing with happiness.

"What do you think?"

"I think it's perfect, and I think I'm going to love living here with you."

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