Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Answer

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As Nate talks on the phone I get out of the tub and put on one of the hotel provided robes. I tried not to eavesdrop on the conversation so he could tell me the news himself. I decided to sit on the bed and respond to some texts I had basically been ignoring this entire weekend.
I had several from my best friend, Valerie, asking how the banquet went. I knew I'd need to call her at some point and explain this whole long story, but that would have to wait for now.
Nate started to get dressed while he was on the phone. I looked at him questioning what he was doing. He mouthed that he needed to go grab something from his car and that he'd be back. Then he left the room.
I took the opportunity to go ahead and get my clothes back on and fix my hair. It was mid afternoon and I knew we'd be getting lunch soon. I grabbed a room service menu and just as I was about to call in an order for us, Nate walked back in, still on the phone.

"Well let me talk to her real quick and I'll get back to you in just a few minutes. Ok? Alright. Bye."

Nate walks over to me with a big grin on his face. "Good news I'm guessing?"

"I got the house! The owners accepted my offer right away!"

"That's fantastic! I'm so happy for you! What's next?"

"Well, they want to go ahead and handle the closing and everything today since the payment was already ready to go. I guess the owners are in a bit of a hurry, so they wanted to expedite the process as much as possible."

"Wow, that's so fast. Do you think we have time to grab food real quick though? I'm absolutely starving."

He laughs. "I'm sure you are from all of that love making this morning." He kisses me. "We can definitely grab food first. Just let me call him back and finish getting ready and we can go."

A few minutes later we were down at a table in the café waiting to order. Nate couldn't stop smiling or talking about the house. It made me happy to see him so relaxed after all the stress it had been causing him.
Once our food arrived, we ate quickly and then left to meet up with everybody for closing. I told Nate I could stay behind, but he wanted me with him. We arrived at the office and went in to deal with the paperwork. I told Nate that while he signed paperwork I was going to make a call and I waited in the lobby. I sat down and dialed Valerie's number.


"Hey Val, it's me."

"Oh my gosh Chloe! I've been worried sick. Where have you been?"

"It's a very long story."

"I've got time."

I proceeded to tell her everything about the weekend. All about seeing Nate and spending that first night with him, to Brody, to the rest of the weekend, to the house stuff. She didn't let me leave out any details.

"Wow... that's quite the weekend."

"You're telling me."

"Never thought I'd hear about Nate again."

"I honestly didn't ever expect to see him again, but Val, it has been the most incredible weekend. All of my feelings for him have all rushed back."

"Do you love him?"

"I think I always have... he just doesn't know that yet."

We talk for a few more minutes about everything before I hang up. A few minutes later, Nate walks out with paperwork in hand.

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