Chapter Twenty-Six: Waiting

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By the time we get to the room, I've already toyed with the idea of calling into work tomorrow. If we get good news about the house, I know Nate will want to celebrate, and that could take all night. I have plenty of vacation time to use, so one day won't hurt.

"Hey, I'm gonna make a call real quick, I'll be right back." I step back into the hallway and call work. I tell them I need a personal day to handle some family stuff. They seem to have no problem with it and I tell them I'll see them on Tuesday.
I walk back into the room and find Nate checking his phone.

"Sweetie, I think it's going to take a little longer than fifteen minutes to hear back about the offer."

He smiles. "You're probably right, I'm just anxious."

I walk over and straddle him on the bed. "Well, I'm officially all yours. I took a day off from work. That way, I'm here for you whether the news is good or bad."

He holds me and kisses me. "You're amazing. I'm so glad I get all of today and all of tomorrow with you before we have to return to the real world."

I pull my shirt off over my head and lean in to kiss him. He takes off his shirt and slides his hands up and down my back. He unclasps my white lace bra and lets it fall to the ground. I wrap my arms around him to push our bare chests together.
He pulls away and puts both hands on the sides of my face. His thumbs caress my cheeks gently and I lean into his touch.

"I want you to know, these past few days with you have been a dream come true. Everything with you just seems right and no matter what happens with this house, I know that with you by my side, everything will work out just fine."

I could tell he wanted to say the three words I had been thinking for two days, but he refrained. I had held off several times as well in fear that it was too early. I had never wanted to say those words to anybody, except for him. I had loved him all of those years before, and all of those feelings were rushing back in the few short days we had been together.
I knew the moment had passed, but I promised myself in that moment to not let another one pass. He deserved to know. Even if I had to say it first, he needs to know how I feel.
I lean back in to kiss him. He pulls my body against him and shifts on the bed to lay me down. He slides my leggings and panties off before taking his pants and boxers off. He moves my legs to the side so he can slide between them. He gently caresses my legs as he leans in to kiss gently down my entire body.
I lay there completed relaxed as I feel his lips on my skin. His breath is warm and his hands are soft. He kisses down to my waist and then kisses all the way back up to my lips. I feel his hard cock pushing up against me and he slides it against my pussy as I get wet.
In one smooth movement, he slides inside me. We both moan and I wrap my legs around his waist. He moves in and out of me, long and slow. My nails dig into his back as he kissed down my neck. We lay there making love, holding each other, our bodies moving against one another.
I reach down between us and rub my clit for extra stimulation and pleasure as we both get close to our orgasms. He thrusts into me one last time before we both cum. I arch my back and moan as he burries his head into my chest moaning as well. His movements slow down until we're laying there, side by side, just looking at each other as our breathing slows.

"You are so beautiful."

I blush. "I've never felt beautiful before, but when you look at me like that, I can't help but believe you."

He kisses my forehead and gets up to run a bath in the jacuzzi. I sit up and then follow him over. I stand behind him and rub on his tense muscles while we wait for the water to fill the tub. We climb in and sit together relaxing and cleaning off for what feels like an hour.

Then, his phone rings. He quickly climbs out of the tub, wrapping a towel around his waist. As soon as he answers the phone, I can tell this is the call we've been waiting for.

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