Chapter Twenty-Five: Moving Forward

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The next morning, I wake up with Nate still asleep right next to me. I run my fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead. He stirs slightly, but stays asleep. Then his phone starts to vibrate on the night stand. I check the time and it's 10:30. I realized the number might be the inspector, so I quietly answer it.

"Hello, Nate's phone."

"Hi, this is Greg the home inspector. I have the results and was wondering if Nate could meet up to go over them. I think he'll be very pleased."

"Yeah, absolutely. Can you meet at the Marriott on Main Street in thirty minutes?"

"Works for me. Thanks, see you then!"

I hang up and nudge Nate until he wakes up. "Hey sleepyhead, we've got an inspector to meet with."

"Good morning. Did he call?"

"Yeah you just missed it. I set up a meeting in about thirty minutes so we gotta get going. He said you'll be very pleased with the results."

"Awesome! Let's go then."

We get up and quickly dress and get ready. I grab a couple of granola bars and protein shakes on the way out just in case it turns into a long day. We drive over to the hotel and Nate turns to me.

"I want you to be a part of this decision ok? So be completely honest about your thoughts on what the inspector says."

"Will do."

We walk inside and find the inspector at one of the café tables. We shake hands and he pulls out the inspection report.

"Alright Mr. Danford, it appears you've picked out a pretty solid house. As you see here on this form, I've written the areas for concern, but all are quite minor. The foundation looks great and all of the wiring and plumbing looks great as well. Those are most important because they are the bones to your house. Everything else is mainly cosmetic but could lead to problems later if not addressed. With that being said, I recommend a new driveway, as the current one is cracked, new walls in the bedrooms because there are minor cracks along the ceiling on those, and then a new bathroom floor in both of the guest bathrooms. They have worn down and could greatly benefit from being redone."

Nate nods as he takes in all of the information and reads the report. "Well that's nothing we can't handle. I greatly appreciate you bringing this by and meeting with us."

"No trouble at all, you both have a nice day and best of luck with the house."

The inspector leaves and we sit back down to discuss.

"So what do you think, Chloe?"

"I think that, as you said, they're all minor fixes we can handle. It has a good foundation and he truly thinks you've picked a good house."

"I agree. I'm gonna call my loan officer right away. Looks like I'm buying a house!"

We kiss and he steps away to make the call. I can't believe he's letting me help make such a huge decision, but it makes me feel so great to know that he takes our future as seriously as I do.

Nate comes back to the table. "We're all set, I called my loan officer and then I called Miranda and she's going to let the owners know what our offer was and get back to me hopefully this afternoon."

"That's great! What do you want to do while we wait?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go up to my room here and relax. I had paid through today, so technically I have the room until tomorrow morning."

"Sounds good to me. I'll just have to go get my car and work clothes at some point since I have to go back to work tomorrow."

"Not a problem my love." He smiles and kisses me as we head up to his room.

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