Chapter 44

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"So I'm sure everyone knows by now about Harry Styles' girlfriend confession. Carly Gilbert, the seventeen year old student is the girl that seems to have stolen his heart. Reporters tell us that she's a sixth former living in London and a very good singer and dancer. We'll have to see those videos! The two were first announced as a couple after their first publicly known date over two weeks ago, and witnesses confirm that they were spotted together looking very loved up in Harry's home town of Holmes Chapel over New Year. So...serious or not? Tweet us your thoughts of the new romantic couple! One thing’s for sure, they look absolutely perfect!"

I turned my eyes away from the TV, smiling at the friendly report. I still couldn't get used to seeing myself on that, it felt really weird. Signing out of twitter, I ran upstairs to get the stuff that I needed for the competition today. Training had gone amazing last night, I now felt so much more at ease with the routine after going over it again and again. The only reason I was nervous was because all of my friends and...boyfriend were coming to see. Knowing my luck I'd fall and break my ankle. Touch wood. I ran down the stairs, meeting my mum and Gary at the door.

"Have you got my uniform?" I asked my mum and she smiled, holding up the bright blue and yellow crop top and short skirt ironed and hung on a hanger.

"Sure have, are you ready?"

"Yep," I smiled and followed them out of the door towards Gary's silver car.

"How are you feeling Carly?" Gary asked from the driving seat.

"Not as bad as I was yesterday, but still a little scared," I admitted.

"You'll be fine Carls," my mum encouraged, and I smiled, hoping that that statement would be true.


"Good luck Carly!" Gary smiled as I took my stuff from my mum and waved as they drove away. The competition didn't start for another hour so they weren't coming in yet. I dropped my heavy bag, not comfortable with the weight as I looked up at the huge building before me. Wow. I headed for the main doors where I could see a lot of security. What did they need security for? A confused expression appeared on my face but I carried on, edging towards them. As I came into view of the full entrance my eyes widened; there were barriers on either side of the double doors, each flooded with tons of teenage girls. For a moment I genuinely wondered what they were doing here but then it all clicked into place - one direction were coming here today. I didn't have any idea how they knew but then again anything could be found out across the Internet. I headed for the double doors but was stopped by security.

"Whoa, where are you going?" one of them asked.

"I - I erm, I have my cheerleading competition?" I asked almost as a question, holding up my bag and uniform and evidence. He smiled in response.

"Sorry, there are just a lot of teenage girls here today. Got one direction coming, I think one of the girlfriends is in it or something," he said and I laughed.

"Right, yeah, erm...that's me," I smiled and he widened his eyes slightly. His mouth opened to say something but was cut off with screaming.

"Oh my god, it's Carly!" I heard and my head whipped around to find the person who said it. I couldn't though; lots of people were screaming now. Okay, EVERYONE was screaming now. I widened my eyes, not sure how I could process this. I looked at the group of girls closest to me who holding up cameras. They started to flash, I really was not used to this.

"Carly!" they shouted again, motioning me over. I looked back up at the security hovering above me and found him talking to another.

"Go on," he smiled. "I'll watch you." Since when did I need 'watching'? I shook my head, walking over to the edge of the barrier.

"Hi!" I cheerfully said to a group of girls.

"Oh my god, I're amazing!" one said.

"You're clothing is just perfect! I love your style so much!" a young girl cheered.

"Aw, thank you!" I smiled brightly.

"Can I have a picture and autograph?" she asked. A...a picture I'd done but it was still weird to hear it. I was wearing an old plain tee shirt which I'd knotted at the bottom and jack wills sweat pants, which wasn't exactly glamorous. Plus I had minimal make up on. Thank god I was wearing lipstick. And as for autograph, I didn't even have one. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back up at the friendly girl.

"You want a picture with me like this?!" I motioned to my outfit. "I look a show!" Everyone around me burst out laughing and I looked over to see all the other girls smiling with glee.

"Are you kidding? You're so pretty!" her friend said, taking her camera out. "Kim, take a picture for me!" Kim took hold of the camera and snapped a picture of me and her friend. Her friend then took a picture of us. They then held out one direction posters to me.

"Signature?" I asked, bewildered. They nodded. A security guard handed me a sharpie and I took it gratefully after realising I didn't have one. I had no clue what to do so ended up writing just Carly quickly with a heart but it turned out pretty good! I was actually quite proud! I signed another and then turned to everyone who were still screaming an holding out cameras. Wow, good job I got here early.


"Thank you!"

"No problem!" I called, turning away from the final group of girls. I waved at the hundred odd girls I'd just got a picture with, now worried that I wouldn't have enough time to get ready. I didn't mind though, I didn't really know why they wanted pictures with me but if it made them happy then I was happy.

"Thanks," I smiled at the security guards and turned towards the doors I'd been stood outside for almost half an hour now. A sound behind me distracted me though and I looked back to see a blackened out car pulling up close to the entrance. Ah, they were here. They each stepped out and the loud screaming began. Immediately my gaze met Harrys and I quickly teared away, not wanting him to see me looking like such a state. I kind of wished that I had my uniform on now, anything better than these clothes. Liam, Zayn, Niall and Louis were escorted by security as they each went over to groups of hyperventilating fans and as my eyes scanned for Harry, I found him running towards me. He was styling jeans and a plain white tee which he could pull off a lot better than me. Around his neck was the dog collar he wore so often which made me smile, though my eyes lingered longer on not just his links bracelet, but the gold ring sitting on his finger. I smiled and looked at mine too. I hadn't taken it off since New Year’s Eve and wasn't planning on until...well, you know. I looked up at him as he stopped before me.

"Aw man," I moaned, looking down. "You weren't supposed to see me like this."

"Like what?" he said above me.

"All...messy!" I looked back up at him. "Plus there's lots of people here who are taking pictures of us right now," I added.

"What's wrong with that?" he asked, stepping closer.

"Well you're know," I beamed, looking over him. "And then I'm all-" I pulled a face. " know." He laughed loudly and I could see small flashes snapping at us from the corner of my eyes. Oh great.

"You wear this look VERY well," he raised an eyebrow, taking my hand and kissing my slightly curled but natural hair. I blushed and looked back up.

"Aw, I have to go inside," I complained, regretfully pulling away from him. He smiled beautifully.

"I'll see you soon?" he asked and I nodded. "Break a leg."

"That's exactly what I'll do," I laughed, waving to him as he turned to go and meet fans, who waved at me. I waved back before sprinting inside.

"Where are the dressing rooms for eclipse?" I asked a woman with a headset.

"Down the corridor, third door on the left," she pointed to the direction and I thanked her, running towards it. I quickly opened the door and was greeted by the rest of my team mates and my coach.

"Carly, thank god you're here!" Lindsay (our coach) cried, pulling me towards a spare seat and mirror where my friend Charlotte was sitting.

"Where have you been Carl?!" Charlotte asked, propping herself up on the table.

"I wasn't late, I just had a...erm, delay," I finished, smiling.

"I still can't believe you're Harry Styles' girlfriend," she laughed, her blond hair bouncing around in the high bunches sitting on her head.

"Me neither," I honestly said.

"Come on then, get your uniform on and I'll do your hair and make-up!" she smiled brightly.

"You're a life saver," I sighed, grabbing my uniform and running to the changing room.

Twenty minutes later Charlotte smiled, satisfied.

"All done!" she chirped, spinning me in the seat to face the mirror. I smiled at the result; she had done pretty well considering how bad I had looked. My hair matched every other girls' now and was styled into two high, childish bunches, each curled and hairsprayed. My make up was insane but amazing; I didn't know how she could do it so perfect. She had applied foundation and bright, sparkling gold eye shadows with a hint of blue to match our uniform, though it looked nice. It didn't clash at all. She has dusted blusher and shimmer over my cheekbones and I smiled for her as she coated my lips in a clear gloss. To be honest, it was a lot of make up for me but that was all part of the cheerleader competitions. I stood up and she sighed.

"What?" I asked, looking down.

"I want your boobs," she complained, and I laughed out loud.

"You can have them!" I laughed. "Seriously, it's like I'm carrying an extra body weight on me - you don't realise how lucky you are!"

"Lucky? Are you kidding - look at me!" she cried, slapping her hands across her flat chest.

"I'd kill to be like that," I smiled.

"You dare," she glared at me and I giggled, walking over with her to the rest of our group.

"Hey Carly! You look fab," Claire said beside me.

"Aw, thanks - so do you Claire!" I brightly said. I greeted all the other boys and girls on our team - we got on really well.

"Okay guys, we've rehearsed like hell so just go out and do your best. I'm proud of you all," Lindsay said, joining the circle. "So let's have some fun!" She put her hand in the middle and we laughed, starting our team song.

"Shake it, flip it, jam it, jump it,
Spin it round and do those splits,
Dance it, fly it, flaunt it, kick it,
Clear the floor, it's time for eclipse!"


"Mwahahaha," Niall cried, sitting down beside Kristen and I.

"What?" I asked. In reply he took out a bag of crisps and opened it, beginning to munch on them quietly.

"Not so smart now are they?" he winked.

"Dude, you hid them under your shirt," I shook my head and Kristen laughed beside me. I turned my attention to her, laughing along.

"Have you got the poster?"

"Sure have!" she took it out and waved it about.

“Great,” I beamed, looking around at the audience. Most of them were staring in our direction. A few girls caught my gaze and winked at me. The old me would have winked back though now I simply waved. It felt great – I loved being in a relationship with Carly; things couldn’t get any better right now.


Tons of hands flew wildly up into the air and I laughed hysterically along with everyone else, thinking about how awful that song was but we had grown up with it so it was kind of a tradition by now.

"Wait!" I cried, looking at the time, finding that we still had fifteen minutes until our turn. "I see a photo opportunity!" Everyone groaned in response and I grinned. Every time.

"Here, let me get one of you all!" Lindsay, our teacher, smiled, taking my camera. The boys made a back row and the girls stood in front, all making a pose. I stood next to Charlotte and we smiled as the flash went off. She squealed, running over to Lindsay and taking it from her.

"Just...chill for a minute! I'm helping Carl, we're getting a ton of photos!"

I ran over to her and we made our way around, getting photos with everyone else.

"Where's Josh and Rob?" I asked.

"Over here!" I heard so turned to see them in the back corner.

"I need a picture with my two favourites!" I cheered. Josh and Rob were lifting me up for our routine.

"Sure thing," Rob said shyly, his thick cockney accent ringing out. I got in the middle of then, smiling when they both lifted me up onto each of their shoulders.

"I didn't mean like this!" I cried, but they both laughed in response.

"Smile!" Charlotte said so I did an over-dramatic expression for the fun of it. They set me down and Josh spoke up.

"Here, let me get some of you two," he offered, taking hold of my camera. I threw my arm around Charlotte, smiling with her for a photo.

"Here, get on my back!" I cheered and she jumped up, getting another picture as I lifted her.

"Hey you two! Enough pictures!" Lindsay called. "We're on in five!"

"Whoopsie," I whispered, thanking Josh and putting my camera back into my bag. We all gathered together and then it hit me. This was the final. We had trained so hard for this. We wanted to win so much. Jesus...I was a nervous wreck.


"Next up, dancing to 'Everyday I'm Shuffling'...eclipse!"

The crowd began to cheer and we all ran onto the huge padded stage. We ran into our small circle in the middle for our starting position which we had planned. I looked at Josh and Rob for support and they nodded, smiling at me. We then huddled together as kind of a team spirit gesture.

"Come on guys!" Charlotte whispered (she was the captain). "We can do this!"

The music began. Charlotte, Claire and I walked forward in sync, and then began to jump and clap. Sure enough, it worked the audience were up and clapping with us straight away. My eyes quickly scanned the huge, lively audience and I found them almost immediately; they couldn't be missed. He hadn't been kidding either when he talked about having a banner. Harry, Kristen and Niall were all stood together holding a huge white poster with the words 'Go Carly!' written across it. A smile broke out on my face and Harry met my gaze, winking at me. I felt myself blush and...wait, I really didn't have time for that right now!

We got into positions as the lyrics started and I danced with 110% effort; we wanted this so much.

"Party rocker is in the house tonight! Everybody just have a good time! And we gonna make you lose your mind - everybody just have a good time!"

The lyrics repeated and I laughed, staying in my correct position and dancing the complex moves in sync with everyone else. I kept my gaze away from the judging table watching us closely with eyes like hawks. Jeesh, they were scary. As the chorus began to end I quickly ran over to the left corner of the stage and Claire the right. The lights dimmed and two spotlights beamed on us as we saluted and shouted:

"Everyday I'm shuffling!"

The music went wild, so our routine did too. Lindsay was so amazing at creating this choreography; seriously, it had to get the judges attention. Claire and I each ran forward from the corners of the stage, performing fast and rhythmic walkovers one after the other. We met in the middle where we were greeted by some
helpful boys, who, as taught, caught each of us by our exposed waists on our last flip. Josh held tightly onto me (he had always been my partner which I was thankful for; we always just seem to click with the steps) and I hopped onto his back as he lent down. He ran over with me to the centre of the stage where Rob was waiting. The other flyers were stood either side of us but I didn't get a chance to look at them properly because I was already being lifted onto Josh's shoulder and before I knew it I was standing on one foot in his and Rob's secure hold, my other foot being held in my hand as I lifted my leg up. Okay, so far so good! I spun down, sighing with relief when they caught me. What can I say, lifelong habit. The routine went on and I laughed along with everyone else as we pulled some pretty tough stunts. The audience stood and clapped with us which immediately boosted our confidence. I actually found that I really enjoyed myself, and the nerves flooded away once all the dreaded stuff passed by. By the end of the routine I was standing at the top of a pyramid with Charlotte smiling brightly. The music cut and the room erupted with cheers. The loudest were coming from my friends who made me laugh as I jumped down and was caught around my waist by Josh. I looked at the judges who were writing down notes. Typical, you could never tell what they were thinking. Thank God we were one of the last teams to perform. We all ran off the stage and to the side where the other competitors were waiting.

"That went really well!" I whispered, jumping up and down with Claire and Charlotte.

"I know!" Charlotte cried.

"How was I?" I turned, looking at Rob. "Weighing you down?" He laughed quietly before he spoke.

"You wish Carly! No, it all went great, let's hope we place," he smiled.

"Hopefully," I sighed.

All too soon everyone was called back on stage and our group ran on with Lindsay. As they announced the winners I clung tightly onto Charlotte’s hand, really dreading it. They announced the bronze and silver medals and each time our name wasn't called I felt a stab of fear - all we wanted was to place, I wanted it for Lindsay; she always worked so hard training us.

"And the winner of 2012's championship finals is...ECLIPSE!" as he said it my eyes widened and all of us screamed wildly. We all buried Lindsay in a bone crushing hug and as we broke apart I found the main judge coming over to us with a huge golden trophy. He handed it to Charlotte as she was our captain and she held it up into the air, jumping up and down with glee. I was so so happy, I felt myself smile brightly as a reporter and photographer asked us for a photo for our local newspaper. Once he was finished Lindsay let us go and as I turned I found my mum running up to me.

"Oh my God!" I screamed, running up as well and wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"I'm so proud of you Carly!" she hugged me and I smiled against her, still in shock. I pulled away and saw Gary standing there awkwardly.

"Well done Carly!" he smiled at me.

"Thanks Gary!"

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Charlotte holding the trophy out towards me. I took it from her petit hands and laughed, holding it up.

"I can't believe we did it!" I cried and Charlotte laughed, though her expression quickly altered. Her smile dropped and her eyes widened as her gaze rested past me. I quickly turned to see them all standing there, Harry at the front.

"Hi!" I cried, throwing one arm around his neck as my other held the trophy.

"You're amazing," he whispered into my ear and I blushed. I pulled apart and rested my head against his shoulder, turning to face the others.

"Thanks so much for coming guys," I smiled and Louis pulled me away from Harry’s firm grip and into a bone crushing hug.

"Congratulations!" he cheered as I balanced the trophy.

"Thanks Lou! Watch it though, I don't want to kill you with this thing!" I laughed, wobbling it slightly. He laughed and I hugged everyone else, thanking them after they each congratulated me. Finally I got to turn back to Harry who was smiling uncontrollably.

"Lou?" he asked, handing him his iPhone. I looked up at him confusingly.

"I want a picture with my girl," he winked.

"No you don't!" I whined. "I'm all...horrible."

"You...don't want a picture with me?" he asked, a fake saddened look appearing on him.

"Aw, I can't resist that face," I sighed, skipping up to him. He smirked at me which made my heart flutter and bent down. I looked up at everyone and they laughed.

"You know Harry, he's jealous of the guys who get to lift you so he wants to give it a try," Liam laughed as his arm rested around Gab. Aw. I looked down at Harry who looked up at me, his emerald eyes sparkling and brown curls bounding ecstatically.

"Come on Car, I'm not that good, just climb on my shoulders!"

I hesitated and then shook my head, laughing quietly as I sat on his shoulders. He stood and jumped up, causing me to wrap an arm around his neck as his hands gripped at my chins.

"Hold up your trophy!" he smiled up at me and so I did, smiling brightly as Louis took our photo. Kristen's hand flew to her chest and she shook her head slightly as Harry set me down.

"Oh my days, I can't get over you two," she rushed and we both laughed. I looked at the rest of the remaining audience and found them all to be teenage girls, their jaws dropped as they gripped at phones and cameras.

"Go get photos with them," I whispered into Harry's ear after he waved, causing a few of them to scream quietly. He looked at me and planted a quick, soft kiss on my lips before grabbing Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn and running towards them. I felt slightly tingly after that from Harry and so steadied myself as my friends surrounded me.

"You were so good Car, I don't know how you do it!" Megan said.

"I know, here, how am I getting on?" Georgia asked. We all stepped back and she braced herself before kicking her leg up in the air.

"Whoa! You're good!" I cheered. "That almost hit your nose!"

"Yay! I'm getting there!" she giggled. I hugged her tightly and then looked back up at the boys. I loved them all. They were so amazing.

"Hey guys!" I called over to the rest of the eclipse team. "I want you all to come back to mine; we have to celebrate!" They simply cheered in response and I turned back to Gab, Kris, Meg and Gee.

"You in?"

"Hell yeah!"


I'm so sorry for the long awaited update, 9 days! That's bad! I was writing this and was like 'oh my god..this is taking forever!' But I've just put it on word & it's 4000 words which explains why it did haha, so at least it's a pretty big chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it :D Oh, for the record, I'm a dancer but I'm not a cheerleader so if what I wrote made no sense I'm sorry; I just write boohacki sometimes, so if you're a cheerleader & are thinking 'what is she going on about?' I honestly don't know. Haha, final night of the olympics tonight, so excited to see the boys! They'll be amazaynnn. So good luck to them! Much loveee, faye .xo

All You Need Is Love: A Harry Styles/One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now