The Call

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The afternoon went quickly, though I had to constantly stop myself from thinking about what happened at lunch. I could still feel Ronit's touch on my skin, like in the summer when you can be out in the sun for mere minutes but the warmth continues for hours afterwards.

I was relieved when the final bell of the day rang out and hundreds of students poured from the gates. I was alone in my classroom toying with my phone, contemplating a call with Dovid. I always felt restricted talking to him, as though I automatically resumed the role of subservient wife even though that was long behind me.

I typed his number in slowly and the dial tone thrummed a few times, then a few times more, finally someone answered.

'Dovid Kuperman.' Dovid said, sounding stern.

'Hello Dovid, it's just me.' I splayed my fingers out on the desk in front of me, tapping them quietly.

'Esti,' his tone changed, it was lighter. 'How are you?'

'I'm...' I had another flash of Ronit. 'Fine. I'm fine. I was just calling back to arrange Daniel and...' My mind went blank.

'We haven't decided a name yet.'

'No, of course not. It's so early, have you got any names in mind?'

'Rebecca, for Shayna's mother. Or Jessica, for Yiska.'

Yiska was Dovid's mother, a sickly rake of a woman who had died years ago; she was the Rav's sister, Ronit's aunt.

'Both lovely names.' I agreed. 'Well, how does Saturday suit you? I thought perhaps if the weather's nice we could meet in Mornington Park, or somewhere else? I don't know where you'd want to take a newborn.'

'Mornington sounds pleasant.' Dovid said.

'Good,' I cleared my throat. 'Why don't we meet by the child's park near the frog pond? Daniel loves it there.'

'Of course.' Dovid paused after that.

'Should we say midday?'


It was difficult to gauge whether his stiffness was due to upset or if it was just his natural demeanor.

'Dovid,' I started, wanting to clear the air but immediately regretting it. 'I feel as though I owe you an apology.'

'Mm.' Dovid said, undemonstrative of any feeling.

'I should have told you sooner – about Ronit. It happened so quickly, the whole thing.'

'I understand Esti.'

'You do?' I asked, slightly surprised.

'Not entirely, but I don't harbour negativity towards it. I'm glad - if you're happy.'

'I - I am.' I said.

'And you're... living together?'

'Well,' I started. I had to tell him, I had to be honest. 'We will be; Ronit asked and we... Daniel and I – Daniel really does love her.'

'I know.' Dovid sounded like he was very softly chuckling. 'He was telling me all about her on Saturday evening. He didn't believe she was my cousin.'

I laughed with him, wiping the perspiration from my upper lip. 'He'll understand one day, I'm sure.'

'I am happy, if you're happy.' Dovid continued. 'But that being said...' My stomach dropped. 'I don't think Ronit should come on Saturday.' His words sounded strained, like he was speaking through gritted teeth.


'For her sake and yours, more than anyone else's.'


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