The Confrontation

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Audrey gave me her number that afternoon, after she'd walked Daniel and I back to the flat.

'Keep in touch, ma chérie, won't you?'

'Yes, of course.' We kissed cheeks. 'When are you back in London?'

'Ach, I do not know. Perhaps after New Year's now? I am in Buenos Aires and Santiago for work, and then I am taking a break in Cancún.' She moaned loudly. 'Ugh, vacances. I cannot wait.'

'Do you... have a love there?' I asked her quite boldly, she had encouraged a confidence in me. There was something seamless about the way I could communicate with her. I'd only ever had that with Ronit.

She closed her eyes and sighed dreamily, leaning against the doorframe. 'Mmm. Marco. My tall, dark beau. Mi alma, my soul. Have you ever made love in a hot country, Esti?' Her eyes trailed off again and she didn't pause long enough for me to answer, which I was relieved about. 'There is something so much more... urgent about it.'

'I can imagine.' I said, as I felt a slight warmth on my forehead.

She moaned again. 'I cannot wait. Oh, Daniel, ooh,' she made a shrill noise as she bent down to be level with him. 'Mon bébé, be good for your mothers, oui?'

Daniel just grinned at her, despite his age I think he was just as absorbed by Audrey's presence as the rest of the world. She touched his cheek and clucked her tongue.

'Such a beautiful family.' She kissed me again. 'Remember, Esti, black and white.'

'No grey.' I replied, and she responded with a gentle bow of her head.

'Au revoir, darlings.' She left, leaving a haze of smoke and perfume behind her.

The rest of the afternoon passed quite quietly. Neither of us ate until the evening because Audrey had generously paid for a huge lunch for us both. I texted Ronit throughout the day, when she had time to.

It's absolutely fucking freezing here. I have to go and find out where I'll be standing for the night. Hopefully next to a heater or I'll have to set myself on fire.

Please wrap up warm, won't you? Can I call you after Dovid picks Daniel up? Xx

I'd love that x

We had a few hours before Dovid was due, so Daniel and I went to the library on the corner and we picked out a few books and took them home. He'd picked up a book about a newborn baby bird searching for his mother; we sat on the sofa together as I read it to him.

'The egg jumped. It jumped and jumped and jumped.' I said, making the book jump on each word as it rested on my knees.

'Stop it.' Daniel giggled and pushed the book down.

'Sorry, sorry.' I kissed the top of his head and carried on. ''Where is my mother?' he said... He looked down, he could not see her. He looked up, he could not see her.'

I took a break to sneeze.

'Bless'ou.' He said.

'Thank you darling. 'I will go and look for her' he said... Down out of the tree he went...He did not know what his mother looked like. He went right by her. He did not see her.'

'She's there!' Daniel shouted, pointing at the mother bird. 'She's there!'

'Oh dear, he can't see her!'

'Can't see her.' Daniel mumbled, shaking his head.

'He came to a kitten. 'Are you my mother?' he said to the kitten.'

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