The Coffee

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Ronit had to leave for Berlin on Saturday afternoon.

'It was the latest I could possibly leave it.' She said, stroking my hair as we laid in bed that morning. 'And I'll be back on Wednesday.'

'That's not too bad.' I said, though my heart was still aching. 'I'm going to miss you.'

'Well, there's no point in moping.' She ran her fingers over my head. 'You know how I hate moping.'

'I'm not moping...' I said. 'I'm brooding.'

She laughed. 'That's fine then.' She sighed and stretched out, her beautiful feet poked out of the duvet. 'I should get up, I haven't even packed yet.'

I watched her pack her suitcase for a while, throwing clothes and makeup in haphazardly, until Daniel tottered into our room. We sat on the bed together and he asked where Ronit was going, if she'd bring him back more toy soldiers and if he could have chocolate for breakfast.

We all had jam on toast and tried to ignore the time.

'What will you both do today?' Ronit asked, wiping Daniel's chin with her thumb.

'I think we'll have a relaxing one, won't we darling?' I stroked Daniel's hair. 'Dovid called yesterday and asked if he could take Daniel for the night.'

'Oh, will you be okay?'

I nodded. 'There's that... stupid work Christmas party tonight. I don't even know why they're bothering. It's at that awful social club.'

'I love that place.'

'Stop it.' I laughed and handed her a baby wipe to get the insane amount of jam off of Daniel's chin.

'What? I do. It's amazing, it's like being at the Ritz.'

'I don't think I'll go.'


I shook my head.

As much as we tried to evade the time, soon enough Ronit was ordering herself a taxi.

'Do you get tired?' I asked her, when she was putting her coat on.


'Travelling, all the time.'

'I've travelled a lot more than this darling. But, it is irritating. I suppose... it used to be easier.'


'Because I didn't have a f- I didn't have to leave anyone.' She was zipping up her suitcase. 'But it's only four and a half days.'

'Were you going to say 'family'?' I asked, watching her closely.

Her lips curved into a smile, she looked at her feet, almost embarrassed. 'Well,' she started to say. 'As a matter of fact, yes, I was.'

I didn't say anything back, I was speechless. But I returned the same smile and stroked her arm.

'Where you going?' Daniel asked Ronit, for the third or fourth time that morning.

'I am going to Germany, sir.' She picked him up and kissed his cheek. 'Can you say that? Ger-man-y?'


'That's it. Well done!' She bounced him in her arms.

'Why you going?'

'Ugh, I have to earn lots of money because your mother has an addiction to Tiffany's.'

Daniel looked confused, but I couldn't help but simper and reach out for her hand. We had another goodbye, but it was surprisingly not as bad as I was expecting; it definitely wasn't as bad as the first one. We kissed deeply on the main doorstep for a few minutes until her taxi beeped her. When she pulled away, her mouth remained open, her bottom lip pouting in the way it did when she was aroused; I knew it well now.

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